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Mother's Day  The Feelings She Felt 2024 

Kim's Mother.

Our Mum Loved Yellow Roses.

The Symbol of Yellow Roses Are:

Joy,* Gladness* Friendship &

Feeling of Care. That's What

Our Mother Was and Still is.

She Was a Friend to Many

With a Loving Open Heart

Yellow Roses Illustration


Kim was  hoping her Star 🌟 Seed brother was ok, she was very emotional on Sunday  Mother's Day. May 12th picking up an energy of sadness. Feeling overwhelmed bringing back emotions of her furry baby Angel passing in her arms. She was crying and her friend was going through a hard time his kitty cat had stopped eating.  That's a sign he's ready to pass over  going over the Rainbow Bridge.🌈 like her Angel she didn't want to leave but had stopped eating. Kim had been feeling very, very strange on Mother’s Day 2024. May 12th.  As she had mentioned couldn’t stop crying and Willow was at the bottom of the bed staring at her with those big soulful eyes of hers. It always reminds Kim of her sweet little Angel. She was looking deep into her window of her soul and behind Willow there’s a tall dark wooden cabinet. All of sudden, appeared a half shaped heart above her white fur and across her body. It was an aura a glowing Violet hue colour and every time she asked is that you Angel  it would appear.


Rainbow Being Indroducted To Willow 

Then rising up above Willow's body looking  like wings and slowing dissipating into the ether. sees energy all the time, that Sunday morning it was overwhelming, you think to yourself that’s happening. Thank goodness she knows  learning about these phenomena she learned from her mother and thinking outside the box. She was brought up having her auntie, she was a clairvoyant who read tealeaves and was psychic, this was on her mother's side of the family. Unfortunately because of things that had happening to her it frightened her as a little girl.


This stopped her being able to be like her auntie but she felt everything so intensely and was overwhelming, not understanding. What did that do when she turned 4 years old? Instead of nurturing her gifts it shut her down in fear all those years ago. Now because of her mother coming to her in her dream she understands herself better. Right now like many others sensitive souls, she's feeling these energy shifts tremendously the planet is going through. Her Star🌟Seed friend Caroline had sent her information on solar flares, she was feeling extremely strange as well.  We are getting a lot of them stirring up and causing a lot of emotions in highly sensitive souls.  Especially us empaths and living in a valley here in Ottawa it can really affect you.  If you do not know what's going on you think are going crazy these extraordinary feelings it's hard to think. Your body overheating, not sleeping well, sometimes dizzy and tired with aches and pains.  Other days feeling fine, it's like a roller coaster ride one day up another day down. It's good to support one another keep our vibrations high in stressful times.


Also learning she has Epstein Barr and apparently most of us have this virus and can lay dormant for many years. They say 90% and stress can cause a flare up and Kim has had a lot of stresses. Will be putting more info soon she needs to take a rest from the computer. On her mobile info it keeps getting messed up can't handle it right now. If you see mistakes on there, Oh well she has to take care of herself....


  Kim Took Out Her Cards Wanted To do A Reading
That Day. The C
ards She Used Were Given To her By
Another Beautiful Star
🌟Seed Soul *Nathalie . It was
All Good About Love & Moving Forward That's
What Kim is All About Never Staying Stagnant

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