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Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
It felt good coming across a video a doctor who has very good information on autism. It makes perfect sense what she saw and was listening to. Diet and supplementing, exercise and other important solutions. Tests that have to be done, hair analysis, live blood work were some of them and many others tests. She was able to do all those years ago, in the early 90s. Going to the States to see this doctor in 1992. Her mother's intuition was right, now they have studies to prove you can help autistic children. She has proof it worked for her and her son.
Is There A Link Between Mitochondrial Health & Autism? - Dr Suzanne Goh
Jenny explains it very well along with the other guest on the Larry King Show. She remembers getting in touch with the show after seeing a guest talking about autism and could relate to what was being said. She had been through all of this with her son and wanted so desperately to get her story out there. Her anxiety, PTSD and having learning difficulties stopped her. While she was put on hold having these unbelievable feeling taking over her body. She stated shaking her throat was closing up felt she couldn't breathe and put the phone down. Didn't realize at the time she was having a panic attack. Childhood trauma
She would have many of them because at the time she was terrified of the dark, thank goodness she isn't anymore. This happened again when she thought she should get in touch with the Oprah show having people tell her she needed share her story. it was too difficult didn't like having the emphasis put on her made her very uncomfortable. She thinks there was another reason as well being an empath picking up energies she didn't want.
She also didn't want to put her son out there autism was viewed differently and many didn't understand this syndrome back then. Even some teachers had treated her son terrible. Oh yes her mama bear came out it was horrible what her son went through. She felt it deep in her soul and had to protect him no matter what because she knew what that felt like. Leave our children the innocent ones along that's all she is going to say for now.
She will be putting in the near future part of a story she has written about a child being born into this world a Gift from God. How it affected the family seeing their child wasn't the same anymore. The struggles, the heartache, not knowing what was wrong but she never gave up in helping her beautiful son. No one believed in what she was doing at first, she didn't care, she had the knowing the insight like her mother had done for her. Even though the umbilical cord had been cut he would be part of her no matter what and she would never, never give up on him so help me God......
She always felt she didn't belong here. Yes from another planet she lived on a different hemisphere. She finds what's best for her to keep herself grounded praying meditating and sharing. It's not always been easy finding what's right for her family. She always pushes through. If she hadn't she wouldn't be where she is today. That's the honest truth she doesn't like lies. That's why it has been very difficult the last thee years knowing you cannot always trust the government and people in charge......
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