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Ask Dr. Tony - February 2023 ANXIOUS 17,107 views Jan 31, 2023

Ask Tony Attwood excellent, excellent information on ASP. Addresses 

Subjects Addressed in this Episode:


- ASD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

- Myers Briggs and ASD 

Telling the family they have it too! 


Living with Autism

- Estrangement and ASD -

- Common physical health problems - 

- Psychosis and autism. What's the difference? 



How do I deal with this?




Catastrophizing and Anxiety 



Masking and Making and Keeping Friends -

Multiple masks for different audiences - 


Empathetic Attunement -

ASD and animal love -


Intimacy Dating Sex and Marriage -

"Neither of us like the idea of a wedding" -

-Asperger's and PTSD -

I highly recommend for more Ask Tony videos go to

Criag Evens channel autism hangout (dotcom)

We Are All Unique And Different 

It Depends On Our Upbringing

What Our Parents Look Like 

Autism Comes:

In all different shapes and sizes, they have their own unique personalities.

 How they look has a lot to do with their Genetics, DNA. How they have

been brought up makes a big difference in so many ways. Genetics,

are also involved with how they handle their situations and are able

to cope. What they do have in common they do not like change,

need to control their environment, looks like they are self centered

in many ways when it comes to family issues. They love animals

and can relate to them better than people because they

 love you back unconditionally and do not judge.  


Having this syndrome they are very smart, highly focusing on things that

interest them and forgetting to eat sometimes, they are in their own zone.

Learned masking to be able to fit in, anxiety consuming them  can become

daunting, if they cannot calm their brain down it's exhausting. Finding in

everyway possible to survive especially if they are empaths living in this

unfamiliar world of theirs. What's wonderful!

They are Resilient, Awesome and Authentic 


 Actors~ Poets~ Authors~ Designers~ Hairdressers. Many are in the arts because

they are extremely creative and visual and have learned to live in this vast

universe by studying others, and have become very good at it. Because they

love animals and having that bond could go into that field by working

with them. They are inquisitive wanting to know more and thinking

outside thebox. Some have become Psychics in the Spiritual field and

are very good at their Craft, because being highly Sensitive could

have Gifts others don’t have. Being Empaths picking up Vibes,

Having an Antenna Reaching Far and Wide. 


If they don’t understand themselves and their gifts will become confusing,

cause them many problems, bringing on high Anxiety second guessing

themselves. Especially when older, it's very Important to look after their

Health & Well Being by Building their Immune System making it

Vibrant and Strong!


Not having the right Guidance and Support this will affect them

Tremendously. Sometimes not Comprehending the Consequences

of their actions. Some turning to street Drugs getting into Trouble. 

Others using Alcohol or both trying to be able to Function

the Best way Possible. OCD can be overwhelming and

Some having auto immune disorders in their family

as on her mother's side of the family. Many could 

be under the Autism Spectrum and having no idea

Why They Are Suffering!!!


They need to Calm their Nerves and Brain down, lower their Stress.

That's one of the most important things for them. Some wanting

to be left alone to do their own thing. It's exhausting picking

up energies they do not need or want. To be able to live on

this planet and she's been here for many years born 1950

in London England. Autistic souls seem to seek each other

out and many living together especially in this day and age.


They do not like all the pomp and ceremony of marriage, too stressful

  doesn't mean they will not get married it's usually for their family and

 perhaps for their children. They would rather spend their money on

other things. They feel comfortable in each other's presence even

though they can drive each other crazy sometimes. They just want

to be accepted for who they are do not want negativity and have

 a strong will. When they meet another who are on the same

 wavelength getting their persona they can be themselves.


The stronger Asperger's gene is on the father's side of the family

she knows her father had Asperger's the way he acted and came

across. Can understand now why he acted like he did. We do

not realize when younger what our parents had been through

 and how they felt to do the things they do. That's the reason

they were like they were. wouldn't it be wonderful to have

the knowledge we have now things would be different.







Even Dr. Tony Attwood's son had a lot of difficulties when growing up and not knowing he had Asperger's. He ended up in prison, that's what can happen getting on the wrong side of the law; with a person under the Autism Spectrum.

The reason why? Sometimes it's hard to detect in families with the gene, and then if they do not get the support they desperately need. Don't forget Autism Spectrum was only discovered widely in Males in the 90s. Females

later because they were Good at Masking. As she had

Shared in her Third Video becoming a Chameleon. 


More On Autism


Wanting to fit in and have Friends. They can be funny and can make

great comedians.They are authentic being themselves that's what

make sit Hilarious Look at these Asperger's Male  Comedians. They

are funny because they don't care what they say and if you want

to have a Good Laugh go Here One of these comedians was

on Great Britain Got Talent Simon Cowel couldn't stop laughtng 



Now quite a few of the Younger Generation especially autistic thinking if they

change their Gender. A He to a She and Visa Versa they will feel better,

to find out later it was the Biggest Mistake for some of them. They

do not realize the medication and hormones they have to take

for the rest of their lives. The operations are very painful and

 then to find out they want to go back to their original gender

and some will never be able to have children. Trans Regret

Many have no idea they are autistic and never been diagnosed and if they

 have usually with Bipolar~OCD ~ADD ~Depression~ Personality Disorder~

PTSD and everything else under the sun even schizophrenia.  Never with

the autism and medication doesn't help a lot of these children Why?

You have to get to the root cause with diet understanding, it's not

 easy. It's dam hard most of the time why didn't she give up? 

She shares this in her first video how they help their son



Because females have learned Masking hiding behind their

facade just like her Becoming a Chameleon.  They know they are different

and have all sorts of careers. Teachers ~Engineers ~Doctors ~Politicians

~Psychiatrists.  ~Psychologists ~Scientists ~Philosophers ~Inventors extremely

focused have come out with Incredible, Remarkable Inventions


Both Tesla & Einstein had many failures and both had a hard life, never

gave up in what they believed in;  Highly focused and Brilliant minds.

 The hardships they went through and look at what they Achieved.




High Functioning On The Autism Spectrum 

We are all different like colours of the rainbow as she has said, it depends on our upbringing. Where we are from, our DNA how we were treated and what our parents looked like. We come in all shapes and sizes. What we do have in common sensitive to our environment, suffer with social anxiety.  Tony Attwood explains it very well .   


Would You Think These Two Females Were Autistic?

On The Autism Spectrom

Unfortunately this is why many a female haven't been diagnosed. Kim is now proud of who she is and what a life she's lived. She was fearless and in away that was because of her mother teaching her many lessons. To go out into the world and learn for herself. She always wonders the things that had been different causing her low self esteem and not being able to get an education. Would she have become: A Teacher ~Actor ~Doctor ~Psychologists ~Author ~Poet? She was very interested in the human brain. Who knows! That wasn't her life path and why she was sent here. She knows she's very smart otherwise she wouldn't be where she is today and met two intellectual men who fell for her honesty and out going personality  Thank You Mum For Being You!

Here's the photo modelling 1972 asked to sit at the front of  the car 

This was the car they said Kim built, they lie all the time. That way you can't always believe what you read. Also the paper got their addresses mixed up the actress Kye lived in Casstibury Watford 


She Didn't Have a Voice Way
Back Then? Part of her Story 

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