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Girl Friend of Hugh Hefner
 Holly's A Star🌟Seed She Stands Up To
What She Believes In. She's Not A phony
Holly's video interview she can see her autism, her natural way of thinking and coming across. That's why all those years ago when Kim made her third videos there was no one talking about autistic females being sexy and sensual. She was the first one sharing her experiences and her idol was Brigitte Bardot more info here....
Her Brigitte Bardot look She wanted to look like her
She thought this was interesting, more and more women who were like her are being diagnosed with Autism.  As She mentioned she was asked to be in PlayBoy in the early 70s. There was no way she could, she wanted to be back then believe it or not.  That was her dream she always wanted to be like those beautiful sexy women she saw in her dad's magazines. She had the looks and now feeling more confident but had a secret and had to turn all these opportunities down that were coming here way. Then today Dec 10th 2023 she comes across Holly Madison the Playboy bunny who lived with Hugh Hefner. She was one of Hefner's girlfriends in The Girl Next Door on Netflix 2007. She never watched the series she was 57 when they were filming.  That time in her life her mother had passed that year she was with her in the hospital with her family on her last day being on this earth. She has written about this it's very hard losing a loved one but knew it was her time didn't want her to suffer anymore 
34 still love being in front of the camera. A profession photographer took this picture
The Swinging 60s and 70s London
1971 the photographer Brian Aris took this picture for  the Daily Mirror newspaper and it got her noticed, she was on her way to a modelling career. Brian wanted to book her with a very well known magazine they liked her looks and would be modeling jewelry. She had to turn it down she was very upset in fact devastated at the time. It was a Godsend in away, it wasn't her destiny. God had a different path for this young autistic girl. Taking her on  this  extraordinary journey and having people along the way come into her life at the right moment learning her life lessons,
Brian was always very respectful towards her 
First picture Brian Aris took liked her look 1970 The second 1971 She did photographic modelling she wasn't tall
enough for the runway. It's a pity they didn't take selfies in her day she would have had some incredible photos
photos for my 3 video 2013 017 - Copy -

He took photos of the rich the royals and well known people in the music industry and movies stars. Brian had taken many a picture of her seemed to like her looks being photogenic. She felt very comfortable in his presence, he was a good guy and could see why he did so well.  Brian got her a photo shoot in a well know magazine she was starting to be recognized after her photo was in the newspaper, "Caption Cheeky" She was going places and she met all the right people to become well known. She had the looks and came alive in front of the camera. That wasn't her destiny there was a reason why.

Rock Stars Exhibition features work by leading UK photographers Brian Aris,
Blondie Exhibition London 2023 


Brian Aris Took This photo 1971 Daily Mirror



This Should have Been Her Song 

She'd wander all over the streets of London and had no idea how others saw her. These were some of the places she would go and you will see them in the video. She went to worked at Piccadilly in 1968 and this video brings back great memories. Coming and going on the Underground being packed in like sardines that's something she didn't like. Loved working in the big city and many a time being picked up by a date after work. She liked this song when it first came out and can relate to it now. The Swinging 60s what a time to be living in for this young pretty autistic girl. She had no idea how attractive she was being in a bubble a world of her own existence, that she liked better. 

Photo taken by Brian Aris 1970
hot pants were all the rage

Being very honest she doesn't know any other way to do it sharing her feelings with her syndrome. Now she is going to be 74 in April 2024. She's got nothing to lose and she doesn't care what others may think. Everyone has their own opinions and you have to let go of the things you cannot control.  She has learned through the years you have to let it go, let it go. Everything she has gone through has made her a better and stronger person. Also finding like minded souls and drawing their Star🌟Seeds Angel Goddesses and Emperors using her creative talent. That's how she survived as a child having a great imagination, her pretend friends and drawing how she wanted her world to be.. As her grandpa wrote a story for her about a Princess and the story starts off: Didn't matter if you were rich or poor in this land of Peace and Love. It was quite magical the King and Queen and Princess with fairies but also the princess had to learn her life lessons along the way. 
2016 Video sharing her feelings
No she hasn't had her novels published she
explains in her other video. For her writing
is a great way of releasing her feelings 
OVER A YEAR AFTER HER SURGERY 2020 She explains why she hasn't
had her novels published
Sharing her feeling about her surgery going blond again. Her anxiety, getting older, like a fine red wine. It's hard sometimes with her migraines. Why she wouldn't have fitted in the modeling and movie industry. How Hollywood isn't what you think it is and being famous, they have their insecurities. Her book that she hasn't finished and has no idea when. Her husband knows how she needs to have someone to understand and takes care of her. Autistic, has Asperger's which she calls Aura and some other things she shares. Since this video was taken a lot has happened in her life with the pandemic. Losing her doggie Angel, getting sick and a lot of stress and and pain. Everything's changed and not for the better. You learn to cope like she always has in these difficult times. But! like always she turns it around to a positive. 
After researching the internet wanting to find a doctor, being sensitive she had to find the right fit, and she did. She's very happy with her surgery and loves her doctor he did a fabulous job. She couldn't have been happier and went to Montreal to see him he was wonderful. More here
Dr. Samaha she couldn't be
happier he's amazing✨
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