Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
Mickie Most Record Producer
His Brother Dave Most

She knew Mickie Most's younger brother Dave Hayes known as Dave Most and he was like a big brother to her. His girlfriend Barbra took her under her wing in 1965 when she started her apprenticeship working in Harrow at Sopers, the big department store. They would take her to many places and she met some famous people. She was like a fish out of water but because she was different, attractive and shy, that got her noticed and a lot of attention from fellas and she couldn't understand why? She was oblivious to how others saw her, very unique and marched to the beat of her own drum. Dave's girlfriend would tell some great stories of the people in the music industry; they lived in a completely different world and some became very famous down the road. What a great time living in that era, the swinging sixties in Great Britain.
Mickie Most A Family Man
Mickie Most, Good Looking, Great Hair, Down to Earth, Extremely Talented, he had more number one hits than any other producer. He was a family man with good morals, had a Beautiful wife who he adored and loved very much. He produced many talented pop stars, Mickie Most one of the most famous record producers in the U.K. If you were brought up in the 50s' 60s and 70s in Great Britain you may remember him on the seventies, TV talent show (The New Faces) he became a household name as a judge like today Simon Cowell on American Idol.
In the 60s Mickie produced such hits as (The House of the Rising Sun) by the Animals, came out in 1964. 👍 She has that info on another page, her friend was a big fan of Eric Burdon, his distinct, powerful voice and their single was number one. She remembers at her friend's birthday party (The House of the Rising Sun) was playing when leaving her home very upset and she never saw her friend again. Mickie Most discovered many talented acts who also had hit records; Herman's Hermits was one of them (I'm Into Something Good) went straight to number one and known for their other hit record (I'm Henry The 8th). Mickie was Lulu's record producer, Lulu was a Scottish lass. Her dad a proud Scotsman liked Lulu, a phenomenal singer, because she came from Glasgow where he was born. She became an actress, you may remember her in (To Sir With Love) with Sidney Poitier and came out in 1967, a great movie of that time.

Lulu singing at the end of the movie, her school was never like that. She does have a story about her homeroom teacher the last year of school. He would let the girls in her class play truant and finding out why many years later why.
Peter so cute and adorable singing Mrs Brown You Have a Lovely Daughter? she loved his happy go lucky songs and that great smile. Being interviewed on Huckabee and was wonderful seeing him, even today he looks great, so down to earth like some of the British blokes she used to know. She misses London, the atmosphere and the Pubs, the people, it has changed like most places. She's thankful she was around in that era, some incredible times and if she knew then what she knows now my goodness things would have been different but she was clueless and her destiny was mapped out differently.

On This is Your Life Dave is sitting behind
his brother Mickie Most and his Wife Chris

The Man Who Inspired Simon Cowell...

It was a shame to find out he had passed away from lung cancer in 2003. He was an remarkable man with a vision and started off his music career working at the 2 I 'S Bar in Solo. She has some wonderful stories in her novel. Dave a great person who was very kind to her also passed later at the age of 64 in 2010 May They Both Rest in Peace.
Modelling For Derek She Loved The Camera
Derek Banester a photographer a very nice young man he had a studio near where she worked

1966, walking down Harrow High Street she meets Derek a photographer who has a studio nearby and asks if can he take pictures of her. She was starting to feel better about herself, goes to his place of business after work or on her days off. Her mother likes him when she meets him, he was a nice fella. She loved being in front of the camera and the camera seemed to love her, playing dress up taking her wigs and all her outfits. She could change her looks so easily, sometimes girly and innocent looking, other times sophisticated, glamorous and sexy, like in her dad's magazines. She was becoming a chameleon so she could fit in to this unfamiliar world of hers. She became very good at camouflaging herself, always looking, observing watching. She loved the movies seeing how people acted then later seeing glamorous movies stars in the 60s and one catching her eye a beautiful blonde sex symbol.
She could be herself and felt comfortable with Derek, he was easy going and he'd take her into the dark room to see how the pictures were developed. There she'd see the white paper changing into different images of her. Having that inquisitive mind she loved to learn as much as she could and how things worked, it was quite remarkable. She could see the process appearing before her very own eyes.
At Sixteen, being in front of the camera and her personality started to shine through

Modelling For Derek She Loved The Camera
Derek Banester a photographer a very nice young man he had a studio near where she worked

1966, walking down Harrow High Street she meets Derek a photographer who has a studio nearby and asks if can he take pictures of her. She was starting to feel better about herself, goes to his place of business after work or on her days off. Her mother likes him when she meets him, he was a nice fella. She loved being in front of the camera and the camera seemed to love her, playing dress up taking her wigs and all her outfits. She could change her looks so easily, sometimes girly and innocent looking, other times sophisticated, glamorous and sexy, like in her dad's magazines. She was becoming a chameleon so she could fit in to this unfamiliar world of hers. She became very good at camouflaging herself, always looking, observing watching. She loved the movies seeing how people acted then later seeing glamorous movies stars in the 60s and one catching her eye a beautiful blonde sex symbol.
She could be herself and felt comfortable with Derek, he was easy going and he'd take her into the dark room to see how the pictures were developed. There she'd see the white paper changing into different images of her. Having that inquisitive mind she loved to learn as much as she could and how things worked, it was quite remarkable. She could see the process appearing before her very own eyes.
At Sixteen, being in front of the camera and her personality started to shine through

Now Working in London Near Carnaby St

She had finished her apprenticeship now working in London hairdressing at the Regent Palace Hotel with Barbra again. She loved the big city of London and when younger walking for hours in Hyde Park, Piccadilly Circus, Oxford street seeing Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square even going to Petticoat Lane, so many places spending the day looking observing taking it all in

The Greatest Fashion Store in the 60s

1971 promotion work the caption. Here's a New Model That's Sure To Attract Attention. It's a really funny story about the car. Fred The Bug That She Built.........
Hyde Park Biba Outfit
and Biba Makeup
In 1969 she had bought her coat and pantsuit from Biba she loved that place it was different than any other fashion store. She would spend hours there listening to the music and looking around, trying on clothes and experimenting with the makeup, it was like being in a candy store. Sometimes she would see famous people but they were left alone, no one bothered them. It's not like today with selfies and everyone on Twitter~ Instagram ~ Facebook and now TikTok wanting to be heard and seen. She was getting modeling jobs but didn't want to stop working in hairdressing now she was in the big city of London at The Regent Palace hotel. She liked routine, chatting with the clients and she had made friends with a girl called Linda and her parents owned The Harrow, a Pub in the East-end of London. She loved going over and staying with Linda and her younger sisters. Linda's mother Vi was just like her mom. The Eastenders are down to earth, warmhearted and very friendly, it was like her second family. Linda became her best-friend, she was like the sister she always wanted. They would hang out and going on holiday to Spain together, she was the only real friend she ever had. There was no such thing as emailing and unfortunately after awhile they lost contact with each other when she came to Canada. She misses her and wonder how her and her family are doing, she had two beautiful daughters and her husband is called Terry.
In 1968 she started working for a modelling company doing some promotion work, there's a story her going for a job Go Go dancing in Mayfair a private club. An interesting story how she stood up to the disc-jockey an arrogant jerk, he was a model as well. She had a sweet quiet voice and standing behind him and introduced herself. She wasn't impressed with his attitude and she let him know exactly how she felt. She would not let anyone disrespect her and if they did a bad word would come out and she'd stand up for herself. When he turned around he was so surprised to see this young pretty girl walking away in a dazzling silver crochet top and pants and came running after her and apologized. He said she had too much class to be Go Go dancing in these clubs. he was right and never did that again. The funny thing was, she ended up going out with him that's another story. More
A Cartoon In The Newspaper

Another modelling job she enjoyed being in front of the camera such fun times way back when
Promotion work for a garage opening she worked with another model, she's posing for the newspaper and as always making up stories. A cartoonist drew this in the paper. There was no way they would be topless but the owner got a lot of publicity with the story they went with. It's a shame they didn't have what's available today, she would have had some great pictures

1969 her mom took a picture of her before going to a disco in London a lot of times she would go by herself. If you were good looking you got in for free and didn't have to stand in a queue. She never left home before 9.pm and went on the tube by herself that evening she had gone with s girl she had gone off with someone as usual and sitting at the bar. She glances up and looking across the room their eyes met; there she saw a tall, dark handsome young man holding a cigarette between his lips, he looked like a movie star. He came over with that sexy accent, asked her if she would like a drink and offered her a cigarette. She politely declined his offer of a cigarette. she didn’t smoke but did take him up on the drink. He was well educated and French, lived in Paris and was on holiday with his friend. A great story in her novel about this time in her life and what you can learn from different cultures and why certain people come into your life to teach you certain lessons and hope you learn from them....
Going to a Disco In London
Nineteen she copied her looks from a famous French sex symbol in the 50s and 60s

Photographer Brian Aris
Brian Aris began his photographic career as a photojournalist, working for a London agency. Over the next nine years a series of frontline assignments took him around the world - to cover the civil unrest and riots at the start of the troubles in Northern Ireland, the plight of Palestinian children in Jordan, the civil war in Lebanon More on Brian's Bio

1970 first photo taken by Brian Aris test shot for the Mirror newspaper
Modelling for Brian Aris
In 1970 a photographer saw her in London with her mom and he asked her mother if he could take her daughter's picture as the page 3 girl for the Daily Mirror newspaper. He gave her his business card so she could check him out. His name was Brian Aris and later he became a well known photographer taking pictures of the rich and famous and even the royals.
She Lost a lot of Her Best Photos
Brian took many pictures of her and liked her looks and got her a photo shoot in a very well known magazine. Unfortunately she had to turn it down having many secrets and walked away from modelling, God had other plans for this young autistic girl. Now looking back she is glad she didn't go down that path. Drug, Sex, Rock and Roll Baby! Looking at famous people today she is blessed, it's not what it is cracked up to be, all smoke and mirrors and the casting couch and so much more. She lost many of her best and favorite photo shoot pictures; a horrible incident occurred in 1970 and left them there. Because of her trusting nature and naivety, not telling her mother or anyone else and blaming herself like all young girls do. She had no clue it was rape and has no idea how she got home, just remembers going hysterical and her mother had to slap her across her face to calm her down. Her mother had never hit her before but didn't know what was wrong with her. She goes into great detail how this happened in her novel it's always in her being the feelings she felt.
Sick Depraved Predators
There are predators looking for their prey, it goes on all around the world. They know who to go after: the vulnerable, it's all about control. They are disgusting, despicable human beings and it took her a long time not to blame herself. As you grow as a person you learn it wasn't your fault. Anyone who has gone through the same experience should be kind to themselves, it has nothing to do with you it's all about them and their perversions. Do you think Epstein would have gone to prison then Maxwell if Hillary had become President?
You will see why she was very blessed she didn't go down that path, it wasn't easy and trying to figure things out but she survived. That's why she admires one of the American Presidents, he is going after the sex traffickers, the pedophiles who go after children and so much more that's started coming out. That's why many women and men in America are voting for him they know what's going on, they can't hide it any longer. They know his true heart not like the media bias, spin, spin, spin and what did they say the far left ~We are going to burn everything down. They are Marxists, full of hate, the BLM and Antifa don't care about Blacks in America. You can see it right in front of your eyes if you look deep enough and don't be fooled by the media who despises their President with a passion. They are not telling the truth and they never will, it's terrible how they lie. lie, lie. She thinks the Democrats, the media and some in Hollywood think the American people are idiots and can say what ever they feel, even when if doesn't make sense. Why all this hate? Of course it's all about money, selling their souls to the highest bidder. Money is their God wanting the Globalist and China to take over and see America fall.
1970 first photo taken by Brian Aris test shot for the Mirror newspaper
No wig her own hair still blonde wanting to look glamorous. the style and all the rage hot pants

1973 no blonde hair, or false eyelashes didn't have to hide behind them anymore. There was a reason she felt better about herself. She could feel free about her body and was looking forward to the future, she had a lot look forward to.

Her and her brother

Photo Brian Aris in the newspaper
The last photo Brian Aris took of her was in 1971 the caption for the photo was Cheeky! in the Daily Mirror newspaper. Wow! she cannot believe it's nearly 48 years ago, how time flies. Her mother had cut the holes in her hot pants and the article started off: Well, cut out my shorts and call me cheeky. Her mom was one of a kind full of fun, she could tell some great jokes and was born before her time. She let her daughter be herself and never made her feel ashamed about her sexuality. In England in the 60s and 70s you saw some nudity of women on the telly, it was tastefully and creatively done. They were not children or under age girls like apparently you see on NetFlix Cuties terrible leave the children alone, A woman's body is magnificent, beautiful, some men like their women fuller, others smaller, thinner. Society as become more accepting of different shapes and sizes in fashion magazines. That's a good thing as long as they are healthy and feel good about themselves. Health and the immune system are extremely important especially in these times of serious viruses or has it been over blown to bring Globalism in and will the world ever be the same?
She Walked Away From Modelling
Brian wrote at the back of the photo

Photo Brian Aris. Story Jill Evens.

1972 Working at London Airport Terminal 2
Outfit a fella gave her from his boutique at London airport

1973 at London Airport had cut her hair she wasn't a blonde anymore felt better about herself

She was looking forward and waiting patiently for some good news and will it be life changing? She was not interested in modelling anymore her heart was going in a different direction
She loved working at London airport and meeting different people and was offered a job but had to say no. She got some devastating news in 1973 and was very upset at the time and she never liked change and not having control of her environment would cause her obsessing and anxiety. Then she tried to forget by going out with a young fella who owned a clothing store at the airport. She was good at deflecting now she had this new found confidence and as she was taught don't let anyone see you suffering. She was a good actress putting on a front and after dinner and drinks he said she could have anything she liked with some accessories from his boutique. She got two great outfits and one of them is on the left a pantsuit with a red satin tie and black shirt. Being visual she adored beautiful clothing. shoes and like to look nice, she was like her mom well put together it was important to her. She never liked to look slovenly she always like to look nice.
She needed a change and what better than cutting her hair and by putting a streak of blonde right at the front across her fringe. She had a way of always doing things her way and being different, like the promotion job at the garage. Her mom cut hearts out of her hot pants with lace around them. Then the shoot for the Daily mirror newspaper, she and her mom came up with the idea of cutting big holes in her denim hot pants, it was tastefully done and the caption was (Cheeky). Now she had some good news to look forward to and this made her happy for that very moment but unfortunately there were some more disappointments to come and hurdles to get over. As her mother taught her, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. As you mature like a fine red wine, you get more clarity and better with age, that's what wisdom brings you hope with the right attitude.
The Last Photo Taken
for the Newspaprer
1972 a photographer sees her while walking around London airport, she was taking a break from the hair salon. She loved to chat with the other workers and was talking to the lady bartender when the photographer came up to her. You would see famous people coming and going and that's why there where many photographers. He worked for the Daily Mirror newspaper and asked if he could take her picture for the newspaper. She thought why not and these were the type of clothes she would wear for work, she was always very fashionable. For the shoot she wore her high white boots, yellow top with red lips and a cigarette between the lips, satin eclectic blue hot pants with a white belt and silver buckle. No wonder she stood out, then again she was oblivious how others saw her; she was down to earth and always polite and friendly to everyone she met, didn't matter who they were.

The story in the newspaper was about getting compensation for her outfits she wore for work. That was another fib as she had mention they make up stories to sell newspapers