Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
Truth* Honesty* Integrity


The 2-Part System includes more than 35 key nutrients unavailable anywhere else in these clinical therapeutic dosages, synergistically combined in two complementary formulas.
TeloMind is the regeneration and immunity supplement
AminoSerene is the perfect complement, for calm, serenity, and positive mood
Let's look at all 35 nutrients:
YTE®, also known as DynamEP™ and Young Tissue Extract Dynamic Protein, is a patented superfood with all 23 amino acids, Fibroblast Growth Factor, vitamins and minerals.
YTE® promotes positive mood, improves memory, transforms your energy levels, reduces stress and anxiety, regenerates stem cells, normalises insulin, improves psychological and endocrine stress, stimulates HGH (human growth hormone) essential for body and brain repair, lowers cortisol (the "stress hormone"), helps fight cravings from stress eating.YTE® is the only single complete source of Fibroblast Growth Factor, all 23 amino acids, along with vitamins and minerals, in perfect natural balance. Let's take a look in more detail:
Alanine - is a critical player in the body’s protein biosynthesis and has certain regulatory functionality. Muscle protein consists of approximately 6% of L-alanine. 30% of the L-alanine in the blood is synthesised by muscle, which demonstrates its importance to the overall metabolism. Alanine also helps to support the immune system and prevent kidney stones. Alanine has been shown in studies to protect the prostate gland and is even thought to be a potential treatment for prostate cancer.(12) Alanine was also shown in a 2002 study to be beneficial to the condition of diabetes.(13)
Arginine - one of the most well known amino acids and it has a host of well known and documented benefits for the human body such as:
as a natural virility remedy for the treatment of erectile disorders (erectile dysfunction)
to contribute significantly to the health of the overall vascular system lowering the risk of strokes and heart attack
encourage healthy muscle growth
to lower hypertension (high blood pressure)
to strengthen the immune system
to improve insulin resistance in cases of diabetes
helps to maintain fats and cholesterols at healthy levels
as an accompanying treatment for arteriosclerosis (vascular calcification)
to improve the blood flow in capillaries (e.g. in cases of tinnitus or hair loss)
prevent unwanted blood clotting such as in heart attacks
to facilitate and restore memory and learning
In 1998 the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was won by Luis Ignarro, Robert Furchgott and Ferid Murad for their research on the benefits of Nitric Oxide (NO) and its primary reactant (building block) Arginine. Click here for more information including a video of Dr Ignarro explaining the various health benefits gained from Arginine supplementation.
Asparagine - plays an important role in the biosynthesis of proteins, important for the metabolism, and the elimination of ammonia.
Aspartic acid - involved in testosterone production and release, can be used by athletes as a temporary booster, effective for building muscle.
Cysteine - has many roles in the body but a notable one is its role in helping the body to produce glutathione which helps to protect tissues and organs and has an anti ageing role in the body through protection of cells. Cysteine helps to eliminate free radicals and plays a role in keeping our blood healthy and our immune system strong.
Cysteine is also being used to help treat osteoporosis because it was proved in a study that osteoporosis sufferers had lower levels of Cysteine.(14)
Cystine - involved in metabolism and the production of glutathione, which is an antioxidant. Research continues into the role played in the prevention or treatment of bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), epilepsy, fibrosing alveolitis, heart related chest pain (angina) or influenza, in promoting hair growth, improving brittle nails, supporting immunity, removing toxins from the body, wound healing or relieving pain in rheumatoid arthritis [21].
Glutamine - used enormously throughout the body, glutamine represents 60% of the free amino acids in the body. Glutamine plays many roles in healthy skin and crucially is used to keep our bodies acid alkaline balance in check. Glutamine is vital in the body's energy and immune system as it can be converted into energy when the body needs to. As an important regulator, glutamine plays a role in good concentration and sleep as well.
Glutamic acid - active in the vertebrate nervous system, an important source of nitrogen and may conserve other amino acids from depletion. It plays a vital role in cellular metabolism. It acts as an energy source for the brain for high functioning and stimulates mental readiness. Lack of this amino acid can lead to attention deficit disorder. Glutamic acid is recommended by medical practitioners as it is said to help with behavioral problems and helps in creating improved learning environment. With regard to the functioning of the heart monosodium glutamate is a form of a glutamic acid that helps in improving the functions of the heartbeat, and helps to decrease chest pain associated with coronary heart disease. Important in prostate health, glutamic acid aids the normal functioning of the prostate; the prostate is naturally comprised of a high concentration of glutamic acid.
Glycine - essential for the production of many different acids needed in the body, including nucleic acids, bile acids, creatine phosphate and porphyrins. Used for regulating and supporting many essential processes, including an important role in the central nervous system and the digestive system. It helps with the breakdown of fat by regulating the concentration of bile acids. The body uses this amino acid is for the biosynthesis of heme, a key component of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is essential in the maintenance of red blood cell integrity and optimal oxygen carrying capacity.
Within the central nervous system, glycine works together with taurine and gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) as an inhibitory neurotransmitter.
It functions principally within the brain stem and spinal cord where it helps the transmission of nerve impulses.
There have been numerous studies investigating the benefits of this amino acid in the treatment of disorders such as hyperactivity, schizophrenia, bipolar, and epilepsy. One study focusing on treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients found that high-dose glycine in association with antipsychotic medication could significantly alleviate negative symptoms 1. These results are supported by similar studies investigating psychological disorders2 3. Other studies have shown that glycine treatments can help to prevent seizures associated with epilepsy 4 5.
This amino acid helps to regulate blood sugar by converting glucose into energy. Evidence supports its use to improve the long-term blood sugar levels of patients with type 2 diabetes 6 7.
The body uses this amino acid for the biosynthesis of creatine. Creatine provides muscles with a direct energy source and helps to build muscle tissue and strength. Therefore glycine is an important amino acid for athletes wanting to increase muscle mass and performance.
It is also helpful for patients recovering from surgery or other causes of immobility. This is because it can help prevent muscle wasting.
Glycine is an important anti-aging amino acid. Approximately one third of collagen is comprised of glycine. Collagen is the essential protein which the body uses to keep connective tissues and skin flexible and firm. In the absence of glycine, the body cannot repair damaged tissues.
Additionally research has shown that this amino acid helps to protect the body against shock as a result of blood loss. It also helps to prevent free radical formation and hypoxia8.
Plays an important role in the one-carbon pathway which is essential for the biosynthesis of steroids such as estrogenic and androgenic hormones. This amino acid also helps to stimulate the secretion of human growth hormone.
Histidine - the preventative and therapeutic potential of histidine has not yet been fully explored, although several studies have already been carried out which have proven the effectiveness of this vital substance in medical treatment.
Histidine can lower blood pressure (15) As histidine relaxes the blood vessels, it can get rid of hypertension and help prevent cardiovascular conditions, such as arteriosclerosis and heart attacks.
Researchers also proved that the daily consumption of a nutritional supplement containing histidine can reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions by up to 60.9%.
A further area where the use of histidine supplements is important is the treatment of chronic kidney failure, which is particularly common among the elderly. A low concentration of histidine in the blood plasma increases the inflammatory activity of the body and leads to a rise in oxidative stress, so supplementation of histidine is directly associated with a reduced mortality rate. (16)
Furthermore, it has recently been discovered that histidine, in combination with zinc (which is made easier to absorb into the body by the amino acid), can be effective against colds. A study was carried out with over 40 participants to investigate to what extent the intake of zinc and histidine can minimise the duration of a viral or bacterial infection. The researchers came to the conclusions that the consumption of both these vital substances together shortens the length of a common cold by an average of 3.6 days. (17)
Hydroxyproline - one of the specific amino acids of collagen, comprising approximately 13.5% of human collagen. Integral to the building of vital connective tissue, necessary for the construction of the body's major structural protein. Defects in collagen synthesis lead to easy bruising, internal bleeding, breakdown of connective tissue of the ligaments and tendons, and increased risk to blood vessel damage.
Isoleucine - Essential - plays a pivotal role in the energy supply of muscle tissue, which is particularly critical during periods of extensive exercise or in acute hunger periods. Unless present in sufficient quantity in the blood, the body will access its storage reserves, which will inevitably lead to a reduction of L-Leucine and muscle mass. This effect must be avoided by athletes trying to build muscle mass.(3)
Leucine - Essential - plays a central role in the metabolism of muscle tissue, therefore contributing to both its generation and preservation. It is an important building block for many proteins and therefore supports various healing processes. A deficiency, however, can also be caused by an undersupply of Vitamin B6.(3)
Lysine - Essential - plays a particularly important role in the immune system.It is also involved in protein biosynthesis, especially in building collagen together with the amino acids Glycine and Proline. An Lysine deficiency may therefore result in broken skin, fragile nails and in extreme cases loss of hair. Lysine is thought to reduce the processing of arginine of the herpes virus, because both amino acids use the same transport system. In cases of herpes infections arginine should be consumed together with Lysine. There is also evidence that it increases the effectiveness of arginine, because it slows down the transition of arginine from the vascular system into the muscle cells.(4) There is also evidence that Lysine can reduce blood sugar in Diabetes Type 2 patients.(5)
Methionine - Essential - plays many roles in the body as it is the only amino acid containing sulphur. This effects many areas one prominent one being joint health because joint cartilage because it requires sulphur for its production. Studies of both healthy and arthritic patients show that healthy people have 3 times the level of sulphur than those suffering arthritic conditions.(7) Methionine also plays a pivotal role in many neurotransmitters and the production of hair and nails (8)
Phenylalanine - Essential - has been studied for its effects on depression, pain and skin disorders, along with several medical conditions, including skin disorders, depression and pain (3). Your body needs phenylalanine and other amino acids to make proteins for your brain, blood, muscles, internal organs and virtually everywhere else in your body. Phenylalanine is also crucial for the production of other molecules, including (3):
Tyrosine: This amino acid is produced directly from phenylalanine. It can be used to make new proteins or converted into other molecules on this list (8, 9)
Epinephrine and norepinephrine: When you encounter stress, these molecules are vital for your body’s “fight or flight” response (10).
Dopamine: This molecule is involved in feelings of pleasure in your brain, as well as forming memories and learning skills (6).


These supplements helped their son back then come out of some of his autistic ways. It helped the parents to deal with the chronic stress they were going through. It was a win win all around she thought her prayers were being answered and asks for guidance like she always does. They were blessed to come across these Supplements. There is no cure for autism if you can find the right ingredients in a supplement that can help the brain and body, that's been clinically tested and pure this will help tremendously. Amino acids, certain herbs, vitamins and minerals are important. This is what she was looking for at the time to help their son didn’t want him on medication. Also what’s very important for children is love and devotion and getting as much support as possible so they can succeed in life and do something they enjoy. He's doing something he loves, a videographer and does all the editing as well. Everything has to be perfect, he's a perfectionist, yes like his mum. They were told by friends and family it was a miracle how well he's done. That's because of dedication Faith, Hope and always Love, never giving up.

Living on a higher vibration and being sensitive to my environment it was extremely draining. Being empaths we want to help others in a positive way. The only problems for me were my obsessing; second guessing myself. Were my feelings true or false, this energy that could consume me and picking up these negative vibes. Causing me to get anxious and overwhelmed I'd shutdown. These frequencies I did not want or need was exhausting sometimes. It got in the way, stopped me moving forward in what I came here to do and be.
Alzheimer's is in my family, I want to keep my brain as active and as healthy as can be. Not sleeping and stressed out and too much negativity this isn't good for any relationship. I am so grateful and blessed my prayers were answered finding Angela's wonderful supplements. This was no accident I was lead to this beautiful soul. Angela produced one especially for Highly Sensitive People the AminoSerene. The Health Evolution supplements are helping us tremendously. Each day we're seeing more improvements, we needed all the help we could render. Being in our seventies and young at heart it was important to feel that close to my husband's love again. Lifting my spirit to a higher dimension, no more negativity between us, I'm happy again 😊
The AminoSerene is good for empaths like myself it will be nice not to pick up energy I do not want and feeling drained and overwhelmed somedays.
The AmInoBooster helped a lady who had terrible migraines which I suffered with and have seen an improvement with mine.
The 2 Supplements Help
Low Energy
Trouble sleeping
Slow metabolism
Constant worrying
Stubborn weight gain
Anxiety and overwhelm
Lack of clarity and focus
Low mood and tiredness
Poor memory and brain fog
Cravings and poor digestion
Cuts and wounds slow to heal
AmInoBooster 120 caps
AminoSerene 60
If anyone is interested in buying Health Evolution supplements and you live in Ottawa Canada please get in touch. : AmInoBooster* AminoSerene* TeloMind
Contact Email kimsimm@rogers.com
613 825 1554 Website https://healthevolutionproject.com/kim-simm
ORDER ONLINE Using Promo Code Kim for 10% off Your First Order
INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN AFFILIATE? GO HERE use code Kim and for other links

Chronic Stress* Anxiety* Depression* Sleep* OCD *Inflammation *Pain *Empaths
HSP* Heart *Migraines *Parkinson's Disease & More
We donate to Autism
a non Profit organization here in Ottawa