Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
She woke up one morning feeling she had to go to the book store, knew there was something she needed to read. looking for another author but was drawn to this book (Power of the Soul). So intrigued with the words that were written, she felt an instant connection. Wanted to connect to her mother who passed on in 2007, She missed her so much and was
brought up with stories of her mother and aunt seeing visions. Her aunt, her mother's twin sister, was a Psychic, Clairvoyant and read tea leaves. They were very much into the spiritual world. When she was young, it scared her, this psychic unknown world, because she didn't understand and was frightened of everything. She was terrified of the dark because of her uncle scaring her and would have panic attacks. Remembering as a little girl being under the bedclothes scared to death and crying. Even to this day she can have those feelings come up if she doesn't take care of herself or put herself in situations were she feels she doesn't have control. When around 5 years old, playing in the garden and looked up at her bedroom window and there she saw a vision of a beautiful girl with long blond hair she
remembers it as clear as day. As she got older the vision and memory disappeared until she started learning Reiki in 2000. While she was in her meditating Reiki room she felt a presence - but she wasn't scared. In fact she felt so calm and connected with this being of love. She said, "who are you"? with a smile on her face, she heard this voice. It wasn't a voice like someone was talking to her, it was her subconscious, a whisper and the word she heard was "........."

brought up with stories of her mother and aunt seeing visions. Her aunt, her mother's twin sister, was a Psychic, Clairvoyant and read tea leaves. They were very much into the spiritual world. When she was young, it scared her, this psychic unknown world, because she didn't understand and was frightened of everything. She was terrified of the dark because of her uncle scaring her and would have panic attacks. Remembering as a little girl being under the bedclothes scared to death and crying. Even to this day she can have those feelings come up if she doesn't take care of herself or put herself in situations were she feels she doesn't have control. When around 5 years old, playing in the garden and looked up at her bedroom window and there she saw a vision of a beautiful girl with long blond hair she
Kim started getting attached to Rainbows, she loves colours they brighten up your day, lift your spirits in a beautiful way. She wears colourful long dresses and even in the winter when she's working in her studio with her clients. She had all of John Holland's meditation CDs. One night decided to listen to "Tapping Into Your Inner Confidence & Personal Power". She hadn't listened to this CD in a while and forgotten and so surprised when he mentioned there were Rainbows in his meditation. She can connect to them and this is why she called her little Biewer puppy Rainbow and the name suits her well. Not having any idea when she came into her life she is a special and unique baby doggie and always thinking positively things will always work out. Rainbow needed someone like Kim to be her mummy. That's the reason Angel her other little doggie sent Rainbow to her......

Advice From John Holland
Born Knowing Psychic Medium
Michel Signed Up To My Soul Community In 2021
Kim husband Michel signed up with John Holland's Soul Community back in 2021 they did it together and would meditating to one of his CDs she has many of them. He did enjoy the course and they were doing very well then more stresses, Kim never gives up on the people she loves. How can she? Kim's a Star🌟Seed
She found this email from back then
Kim had been praying for her husband to be on the same wavelength as her especially with what was going on around them. Now he couldn't do anymore supply teaching not seeing his friends for the same reason. The media and governments causing this division and fear. When John Holland's email came in and it was best if you were on FaceBook which Michel is. He signed up to his My Soul Community, this way Kim thought they could support each other in this time of chaos and uncertainty. It would help with her anxiety and being together and Michel with no outlet and Kim not having many clients anymore. That’s one thing she's highly focused on things that can make their relationship better. She wanted for her husband to have a more enhanced understanding of her spirituality and how she see things. She knows how much potential her husband has and will not let him waste his talents. He's a wonderful kind person, a great teacher and has so much to give. She never gives up on the people she loves. Kim prays for guidance and meditates, yes gets upset sometimes don't we all get frustrated. She's very passionate soul and a fire sign and her husband his zodiac sign goes into his shell and can put her fire and passion out. She feels he also has Gemini in his sign which is good for her she needs air to breath One good thing they where friends first this is what you need in a relationship, when the going get tough you can survive...