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Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
Crossing Over the Rainbow Bridge: Death, Dying and our Beloved Animals in Transition

She didn't realize when she picked Rainbow 🌈 for her adopted new baby puppy who will be with them soon. Why did it resonate with her? She knows she liked the name and her little Angel👼definitely sent her this little fluffy baby and answered her prayers🙏🏽. She has always felt she never belonged here and she's from another planet. It was eye opening two days after receiving her oracle cards and two weeks after her sweetheart passing. She did another reading. This time she picked two cards facedown asked Angel👼 to pick the right one. What happens when the right card is chosen. A purply hue, an energy she is seeing, a straight ribbon that widens. Beside it a pale grey pink smoky colour, Angel's👼 spirit her frequency she's seeing. It's beautiful. She doesn't call them ghosts, it's just energy very peaceful. It hovers back and forth it's like a mirage then disappears then comes back again. That's how she knows she has chosen the right card. That same day she came across this video this was unbelievable a sign. Angel👼 had sent her confirming why she picked the name Rainbow🌈. Also why our animals pick us and never leave our side.
This lady in the video explains it extremely well, It was to let her know everything she believes in, proves what she wrote it's true. Our pets never leave us their loving souls are always with us.. The name she had chosen it was meant to be. She felt a strong connection to the name Rainbow🌈Now she knows why making her very happy. Angel's👼in heaven and will be Rainbow's🌈Guardian Angel😇You have to watch the video to understand what she has been sharing.
She just realized the video on her other page also says Rainbow 🌈Bridge didn't even see it till now, isn't that strange? How we notice things when we are meant to and having this video come into her view after the Starseed oracle card reading. Life is a miracle when we think outside the box , it's amazing what we can manifest and in her world everything is beautiful ............
Now She Knows Why
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