Always Unique
Resilient Authentic
Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
Interview with Dr. Carrie Madej
from the States. She has been speaking up about what’s happening to humanity and sounding the alarm about protecting our children and the Covid vaccine. These doctors are not against vaccine it’s this vaccine because of the spike protein, this it’s not right
This Is The Most Important Message
For Your Children's Sake Learn All That
You Can. You Need To Hear The Truth
To Put Your Mind At Rest. She Understands
The Media Have Done A Good Job At Covering
Up. The Public Are Blinded Can't See Because
Of Smoke And Mirrors It's Dishonesty Most
People Have No Idea There Is Evil In This World
Learn The Truth
She Wants To Share The Honest Truth Not
This Propaganda Coming From Our Government
And The Mainstream Media. Here Are More
Medical Doctors Trying To Get This Info Out
.The Real Truth
They Are Not Going To be Silenced Any Longer.
They Swear An Oath To Do No Harm To Their
Patients. There Will Be More Tragedies To Our
Health And Especially to Our Children's Health
And Well Being, If This Doesn't Stop!!!
A Courageous Woman Doctor, a Scientist Who
Cares About Her Fellowman. Went To Prison
Because Of Her Honesty. Please Start To
Educate Yourselves, If Not This Will Keep
Carry On one Rule for Them & Another
For You. Shutting Down The Economy.
If You Don't Apply, Get the Vaccine You
Will Not Be Able To fly, Shop Or See Your
Family Or Go Anywhere. Even If You
Are Healthy Does This Make Sense?
Don't You Know What This Is All About?
The Great Reset Is Not A Conspiracy The
This makes perfect sense to her knowing she never fitted in and always wanted to know why she was here.. 1985 when to Egypt with her husband they visited the Tutankhamun's treasures at the Museum in Cairo.
You Can't Believe There Is Such Evil And
Human Beings in This World Who Can Be
Cable Being This Way? Extremely
disturbing, bad Langue Heart Breaking
When a child hasn't be nurtured loved taken care of how are they supposed
to know any different when they grow up? It is shocking, they will repeat
the cycle and it will continue. unfortunately there are people living worse
than cattle and livestock. Babies are sold like merchandise sometimes
for their organs or sex trafficking by their mothers. It's not something
she recommends you to watch but it's reality and it's nothing like you
will ever live. Until the public realize this is truly going on and are
outraged and want this stopped. There is demonic evil out there
and we need change from our Politian's and people at the top to
stand up otherwise it will never end and these babies and
children will keep suffering. Save The Children🙏🏽💕
What is The Green New Deal? Millennials
Why Are They Being Brainwashed
We Will Be Next If It's Not Stopped
The House of Cards Are Falling Down
It's A Domino Effect You Can't Stop It.
Hope You will See it Too, More And
More People Are Seeing The Truth
You don't Believe the American Election
Wasn't a Fraud Have To Watch This
Then Make Up Your Mind You
One Link Will Take You To Another
Putting All The Pieces Together; Like A
Magnificent Mosaic, Then You Will See
The Whole Amazing Picture Before Your
Very Own Eyes~The Window of The Soul
Never Lies, Voila!Now it All Makes Sense.
The Truth Seekers~ Where Are We Going
God Bless Canada~America &
All Around The World.
Rebel LIVE: What exactly are the Freedom Convoy truckers protesting?
Truckers Standing up for Yours and Their Rights
It's not True what the Minister of Transport is saying about the truckers. They are frustrated, why on earth now they all have to get vaxxed when most are. For nearly two years of this covid pandemic. no one was vaccinated and there was no problem going over the border. There are many coming in without having to be vaccinated from other countries what does that tell you? People who have been doubled vaccinated are still getting sick with Covid and have to keep getting boosters. When will this stop and how do they get away with it? Of course they say they will not die is that true? When you research for yourself you see what the mainstream media isn't telling you. There are doctors coming out saying if you have had Covid you have built up your own immunity.
You do not need big brother to tell you what you should you may get a cold the flue. There are always going to be viruses, that's what happens in life. We make changes and use our common sense like we were told at the beginning of this covid virus. You wash your hands, social distance and if it makes you feel safer wear a mask. You do what makes you feel better and can see why people are scared. What changed? It's incomprehensible how some of the governments around the world handled this covid virus and never happened like and that's why people are waking up it doesn't make sense anymore does it, this fear mongering? There are going to be so many who have been conditioned to stay away from the unvaxxed they will be paranoid to go outside to be with others. It's called mass psychosis, the Stockholm syndrome.