Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
This Mel K welcomes the courageous super hero survivor of the CIA MK Ultra mind control program who lived to tell. A life in the bowels of the DC Swamp, abused beyond comprehension, used for all kinds of covert black ops for decades, Cathy was saved by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips, and risked her own life to save herself and her daughter by becoming a whistleblower


You Don't Think They Keep
Secrets From Us Think Again.
You Will Learn a Lot If You
Are Open To Receiving Seeing They
Are Showing Symbals & If You
Wanting To Know More &
What is This All About?
O'Brian Talks About The Rose
MK ULTRA O'Brian Testify About Pedophilia
What is the identity of the Beast from the Sea in Daniel and Revelation? Are they the same creature? What kingdoms make up the seven heads? Who are the seven kings associated with the heads? Are the 7 heads mountains or hills? Who is the beast that was not; now is, and comes out of the abyss?

LSD Depatterning; They were Guinea Pigs Mind control experiments on human subjects at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute were investigated by The Fifth Estate. Starting inthe late 1980s, both the CIA and the Canadian government became embroiled in lawsuits related to the programs and reachedcompensation settlements with many of the victims.
Mission Mind Control (1979) | feat James Thornwell MKULTRA
Original airdate: January 30, 1979. Uncovering government agencies (especially the CIA) that secretly tested the effects of LSD on humans
Fritz joins me to discuss the New World Order elites
connection to the bloodlines and lineages of Cain and
how what what was Biblically explained as Eve's eating
of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
was metaphorically connected to what happened in our
ancient past that set the stage for where we are now as world.

Scottish grandfather 14 years old on the left with his father her great grandfather in 1903 The Boer war. Her grandfather changed his last name to be able to join the war, being too young. She thinks the surname was Cameron because that was his second name and the tartan they are wearing is from the Scottish Cameron clan. Really she has no idea

Her grandfather on the right became a Freemason and high up, A Grand Poopah she was told

Scottish grandfather Frederick an engineer pictures of him in Saudi Arabia, he taught the Saudis how to drill for oil. He traveled the world, a pic of him in New York City. He had mistresses he loved women a tall man for that generation.

Her father 29 years old 1949 a very handsome man had his suits made, walked with a purpose and very proud Scotsman and walked to
the beat of his own drum

Her father and mother's wedding they did look like movie stars. Her mom pretty and petite her father tall, dark and handsome. Her grandma and her mom's sister didn't go to the wedding there was reason for this.
Early 50s just before her mom got pregnant, she was the happiest woman in the world always wanted children and a family of her very own.

Her father with her grandmother and his
two sisters living in Glasgow Dunbarton
His mother she think she was a suffragette, walked for women's rights.
Heading 6

Her auntie and mother in the 30s
Why do you think she's so passionate and wanting to know the truth, having insight like her mother and her auntie it’s in their DNA. On her mother’s side of the family there were psychics having the ability of the unknown. On her father’s side his father was high up in the Freemasons and her uncle her auntie's husband, a wolf in sheep's clothing, was a Freemason as well. A secret society, that's in different countries all over the world, the knowledge she was absorbing was amazing finding these like minded souls. She would have never have been as inquisitive and finding them if it hadn't have been for this lockdown with the pandemic. In the Freemasons there are different levels you can achieve, so not everyone who is connected are bad or evil. Once you have seen these videos and the link THE BEAST FROM THE SEA you will understand why she is so intrigued. If her mother hadn’t used her wisdom and knowledge she would never have blossomed and be where she is today, that’s the honest truth. If you were fortunate to have a mother like hers, she knows not everyone was blessed with the fortitude and wisdom her mom had shared, she was born before her time. Not always doing it right, no one can, we are all human beings finding our own way and learning to cope, doing our best. What she did do she gave her daughter the courage to stand on her own two feet and not to be scared of the outside world, she was just as important as anyone else.
Not knowing her daughter had these secrets and being a working class family with very little money but they never felt poor, she always dressed her children well, having a flair for fashion. She told her daughter not to bow down to anyone doesn't matter who they where, even the queen of England. She taught her daughter she was just as good as them no one was better. In Gods eyes we are all equal doesn't matter who you are and where you come from but to stay humble. If it doesn’t seem right her mom would say "use your common sense and insight, sweetheart; you know what's right from wrong". Also think of the other person’s feelings, because you do not know what they may be going through. She taught her daughter empathy and no one was better than her and visa versa. All her mother’s advice served her well along the way.
Just because a person has gone to university or collage had a better education and became a doctor or someone of importance doesn’t always mean they know what's right for you or your children. Are they street smart and lived a full life? They have to go along with the agenda, being been brainwashed by the system. They are not always looking out for your best interests. A mother has that instinct when it comes to their loved ones and who knows better? Than a mother’s love and devotion. Where are they really coming from these people in high places? The elites at the very top the ones who want this One World Order. If their puppets don't obey they can be taken down. The government, the police the schools all these organizations have to go along with their agenda here in Canada. Like the doctor in the medical field and if they don't go along with the pharmaceutical agenda they will lose their license, it will be taken away? There are wonderful doctors who care and it’s not about money and power to them it’s helping their patients and their fellow man. That was the reason they became a doctor, they swore an oath to do no harm but right now they are being silenced and shutdown. I know it’s hard to believe but so help me God it’s true there is evil out there.
Being brought up after the Second World War, born in 1950 as many know there is the three tier system in Great Britain and you certainly knew your place. She was fortunate being pretty her mother focusing on her looks she was able to go places where the rich and famous went. Her mother giving her the wisdom and that‘s how she was able to carry on, she knew she was important like everyone should be and was able to fit in anywhere. It wasn’t easy but nothing is, you learn to adapt and have to learn how to live in this unfamiliar world. She was brought up to respect her elders and if she was on the bus or a train to give her seat to an older person and to be polite and kind to say please and thank you, it was important to have very good manners.
There's her wig and all the makeup and false eyelashes she would wear at fifteen years old. Her mom bought her daughter her first wig and there was a reason for this. To make her feel better after the experience she went through going to the salon to get her hair fixed and what a disaster that was

At the age of fifteen and when started working the only way she felt comfortable was hiding behind her mask of disguises, wearing makeup, false eyelashes, wigs and hairpieces. Not Wanting to be seen, the funny thing is she stood out like a sore thumb. She didn't realize this is what she was doing she was masking. Girls of her age didn't wear wigs, eyelashes and all that make up. She became a chameleon, a good actress and starting to understand why she was like she was writing her novels it gave her insight and knowledge it was quite remarkable.
People who know her have seen her at her place of business smiling and giving hugs, that is if her clients would like her to. She always wants people to feel cared for and loved, she always wants to see the best in everyone. for being so sensitive wanting to protect and having empathy and to see the best in them. She also has to stand up for what she believes in, she was brought up that way and having her syndrome she has to be honest. When you have experienced evil and bad people and having aura as she likes to call her autism, having an antenna that reaches far and wide. She's met and knows there are wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing, you are a target for these disgusting men, who want that control and it has nothing to do with sex. Being sexually molested at the age of five by her cousin who a lot older then her. She had no idea or memory of this happened to her till later in life. In 1988 before her child was born she had a nervous breakdown and the doctor put her on medication. She became suicidal, she didn’t know she was pregnant at the time, she won’t go into that story right now. After her son was born she was watching a lot of television about sex abuse, cults and terrible satanic rituals all this information was coming out. It seemed to be on all the tv stations and talk shows, Geraldo, Oprah, Donahue and Sally Jessy Raphiael. She couldn’t stop watching, causing her extreme anxiety, she kept crying, became agitated and it didn’t make sense. She called her auntie in England, her mother’s twin, after all she was a clairvoyant and had many clients come to see her. She was extremely good at her craft and she had been living with her before coming to Canada, that’s another story. Would she be able to help her?
When talking and explaining to her auntie and why was she feeling this way? Her aunt revealed when her cousin was staying with them her mother had suspicions that something wasn’t right and wanted him gone. Unfortunately her dad wouldn’t listen and he stayed longer because of her father’s decision. He was weird and her mom was feeling very uncomfortable around him. Later she told her she started wetting the bed, then this happened. The girl she played with from school they were placed together in class with another girl who was also a slow learner. Her cousin became friends with her brother when her mother heard through the grapevine her parents had called the police. The reason why their daughter had been interfered with that’s what they called it back then. Her cousin was shipped back to Scotland, her mother knew he was bad news. In her day not knowing any better it was swept under the carpet that’s how they dealt with those problems. That's what happened in churches, priests were sent to other congregations to be able to offend again and again. Even when a child would tell they where not believed, how could a man of God do such a thing? That was distressful to come up with that nonsense and the child would be punished. They had no clue how it affected a child’s spirit and being a working class family you wouldn’t have known any better not being educated in that area. Then it's forgotten buried it was dead never to be mentioned again, now changing the subject. Her mother having a flair for fashion dressed her children extremely well, in hand me down clothes from jumble sales and her children always looked tidy and clean and well put together. Her auntie would also make dresses and knit her niece cardigans and jumpers which you call sweaters here in Canada, she even bought her a pair of bally slipper for her birthday. Now getting back to her cousin, he started visiting the family later down the road and to find out he married a woman with four children. He was pedophile, there she said it and later she had more proof. She would have to get out of the house and didn’t know why she felt like she did, felt panic and unbelievable overwhelming feeling she couldn’t control and understand. But you see your inner being, your subconscious knows the truth. She does remember before that happened with her cousin, her uncle the first time putting her to bed he terrified her, yes he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She was such a sensitive child and he would scare the living daylights out of her and because of his cruel behaviour. She was petrified of the dark and would have panic attacks and afraid of her own shadow.
Writing her novels has been extremely therapeutic and putting all the dots together and why did her uncle do that to her? It’s to do with having power over another person, they get off terrifying the weak and defenseless and where does that come from? Their own experiences of course and learned he went to boarding school and some horrible things can happen there. He also became a Freemason and there are bad and good in every organization. What she had discovered doing her own research to get accepted and reach a certain status some rituals and evil things can occur. She has no idea what status her uncle achieved, she knew he wasn't what he made out to be. Now listen to this, her uncle became a director of children’s homes, running one in the South London and then another in the North of England. Where do these men go? Where there are vulnerable children, the innocent ones. Because who are they going to tell of these people in sheep’s clothing? These men are cowards hiding their perversions and wicked ways wanting to feel power, doesn’t that make sense? But they are not powerful, they are creepy disgusting monsters pretending to be this wonderful person. They come across so charming, they have to be psychopaths to ever be able to abuse a child physically, mentally or sexually and it doesn’t bother them. If you don’t believe this is true please go and investigate about Jimmy Savile, he was one of the most notorious evil demons and got away with it. WHY? Because he had friends in high places and was friends with the Royals, people kept quiet they knew nothing would be done, he was protected. If someone spoke out they would be shutdown or worse, done away with, an accident could occur or they'd committed suicide. That’s one way of keeping people silent, like the Clintons, Epstein and Maxwell scandals everyone knew in Hollywood it was the biggest open secret and no one spoke up. Till the Epstein scandal came out people thought that was a conspiracy but it wasn’t, was it? It was true. Did Epstein kill himself? No because the Clintons were involved then you know what happens then, crickets.
She had many boyfriends but couldn’t get close to any of them, she was wandering butterfly flittering here, there and everywhere till she met a French young gentleman at a London disco their eyes met across a crowded room, he was tall dark and handsome and a cigarette pursed between his lips, he looked sexy. Being visual and going to the flicks he looked like a movie star. He came over and offered her one she declined she didn’t smoke but did take him up on asking would she like a drink. He was on spring break and came with his friends and they spent a lot of time together with the girl she was hanging out with and enjoyed being around her parents. They were completely the opposite to her mom and dad’s energy when together; she loved seeing her friend’s father joking around and being loving towards his wife, it was definitely a different scenario than in her household.
Nineteen working in London and also modelling and promotion work, wearing one of her wigs even though she had beautiful hair. It was her protection she hid behind

This young man was like no other man she had met before, highly intelligent from a good upper class family, a great artist and he was going to college to become a naturopathic doctor. Unfortunately something happened when he came back with his friend for his summer vacation; because of her insecurities and not understanding the situation she didn’t want to see him while he was visiting London. He did come back into her life and they started writing to each other. That’s all in one of her novels, a long story and they are still friends. They had different paths they had to take, that doesn’t just stop you caring and loving someone when things don’t work out. She was heartbroken at the the time and had a lot of growing up to do and God had another plan for this young autistic girl. She prayed that a man would come into my life who would accept and love her for who she really was; God doesn't always give you exactly what you want, she did meet a young gentleman who was loving and kind but also stubborn. She felt comfortable in his presence he wasn't threatening but wasn't sure if she wanted a relationship and he wasn't her type. They were so opposite in lots of ways but as they say opposites attract and they did have the same morals and values and they both didn't smoke. He was intellectual, with a good education that was something she was attracted to. You can learn a lot from intelligent men and he had a nice nature, smart and very stable. He was good in a lot of ways for her and visa versa, he didn’t like change and living with her that wasn’t going to happen. That’s another story. What she can say he's very protective and takes care of her, he loves his family and with a heart of gold and it hasn't always been rosy. They have their ups and downs and because he now understands her mood swings and how an autistic female can go from one to ten in a split second when she's upset. He doesn't take it personally because he knows where it comes from and he was very blessed to have a stable and loving upbringing. He doesn't like arguing and she does wanting to get her point across and she's a good communicator and writes him letters sometimes because she gets frustrated but don't all women with their husbands?
She was twenty and modelling, her self esteem was getting better, even though she was always on edge feeling her secrets were going to be found out. She had started writing to her French boyfriend she was getting to know him, he was from Paris but now was living in St Thomas in the Virgin Islands. He had opened a spa and he was modelling and acting and wanted her to work and be with him but this horrible incident occurred that coming up. Her mother would help her with her letters and spelling, she was more like a sister than a mother. Having secrets and she couldn’t read or tell the time back then, she didn’t know she was dyslexic and full of fear in some areas but was good at deflecting that’s why she didn’t wear a watch and would ask “what’s the time please?” She learned to ask for help and her personality started to shine through because of her mother not wanting to control her. It didn't mean her mother wouldn't say if your head wasn't screwed on tight enough you would lose it, she was a scatter brain, always losing things. He mom let her daughter be a free spirit and think for herself and make her own decisions and mistakes. Being bullied and put down at school, she felt like an alien from another planet. Till she fought the bully when her hormones kicked in and she never came near her again. Her mom would say don’t let those girls at school see you are vulnerable if they say snarky remarks just walk past with your head held high and say “that’s your opinion with a smile” and that’s what she did. That was a lesson learned, never bow down to bullies because they will never stop. There was this other secret no one knew about not even my mother, then this occurred.
She had her picture in the British newspaper she had been with her mother in London and coming out of the Underground and a young fella came running over with a camera and asked her mom could he take her daughter's photo for the Daily Mirror. Later this photographer, his name was Brian Aris, became well known, taking photos of the rich and famous and the royals, he has just published a book on David Bowie. Brian got her a job in a very well known magazine and she had to decline and was very upset because of her secret. She had to walk away from modelling, that’s all in her novel, Now back to 1970 after her picture was in the newspaper; meeting this man a couple of months later coming home from work and stepping off the train. He was around her father’s age, he could have even been older and approached her, fast forward. He raped her, it was one of the worst horrific experiences she had ever been through. She always wondered why did she go like a lamb being led to slaughter? She understands now she went into a trance, he triggered something inside her like her uncle had done. That part of the mind and how her uncle controlled her when traumatizing her, to survive you compartmentalize. You put it in another part of your brain to be able to function the best way possible. She had no idea it was rape what this monster had done and this horrible incident had taken away the little confidence she was feeling about herself and now her whole being was on alert and how does she trust again? Back then there were no cell phones or the internet, anyway she couldn’t read and when you are dyslexic you can’t understand some words and get very flustered and stress makes it worse. The reason why you have difficulty if you haven’t had help in that area, you can mix up your bs and ds and some words are hard to pronounce or figure out what are they meaning, it's like a foreign language. Then you don’t try, it’s as simple as that and she had other interests drawing, painting and would look at pictures in magazines and get out of the house as often as possible. When she started working, on Sundays leaving home in the afternoon boarding a train, loved the rhythm it was calming, soothing and usually there was no one in the compartment not like rush hour. She would walk for hours and hours all around London; Hyde Park, seeing London bridge, the palace were the Queen lived, Trafalgar Square, many places and getting home early evening for supper. Her mother would say did you have a nice day sweetheart, she never interrogated her daughter just let her be.
Back to her horrible experience she have no memory how she got home and left all her modelling photos behind. All the things that happened that day, to be able to get through the trauma you leave your body and it’s happening to another person, your whole body is trembling and you shut down. She does remember running up the stairs to her bedroom screaming and her mother running after her shouting what the hell is going on. She had to slap her daughter across her face she was hysterical swearing, going ballistic, she had never swore at her mother before. It did stop her, brought her out of the state she was in. Her mom had never hit her, she didn’t believe in hitting children, her father that was a different scenario. He stopped hitting his daughter at the age of seven knowing he had a very bad temper. When seeing his handprint he had left on her leg, so he did have a conscience. That’s how he was brought up and he was beaten by his father with a belt, as children we have no idea how our parents have been treated and suffered their own trauma and they never talked about it. She wanted to write to her boyfriend she was getting to know him and loved getting the letters he wrote but what could she tell him and Instead .
The Poem She wrote After Being Raped
Her Inner Feelings
Today my eyes were open to what the world's about. It
is a cruel, an inner bitterness I feel within my body, tears
within my heart. Though I shall live through the years.
Bitter I may seem, a shallow feeling with despair.
Mistakes I have made a few, I will live with them,
though my head is spinning, my Breathing
crushing my heart. The weeping tears
drown my sorrow though
life must go on
Added AMEN Because God Loves You
Your Heavenly Father

She was brought up to never blame, that was the British working class way, you just get on with it. What does that do? You have to look inside yourself and that’s what builds strength and character. She used to wonder why on earth did she obey this predator? She had flashbacks, this ugly son of a bitch monster of an old man. Her writing has helped her in many ways to deal with things she cannot control it didn't happen overnight she had a lot learn and understanding herself better. She has taken stress out of her life, she doesn't need anymore of that. She realizes now there were certain triggers and she would switch from being happy one minute and the next upset, it could have been a look, a word or even a noise then her personality would change or she would flair up when with her husband, it’s called PSTD. She never would do that in front of her clients, she was very professional. She remembers many a time crying, feeling overwhelmed and sometimes in pain with her migraines then the door bell would ring, just like that she could switch, put on a smile, as her mother taught her don’t let anyone see you suffering. She remember she learned to cover up her insecurities becoming a good actress in the 60s and 70s sometimes pretending to be someone else. It was too difficult being herself and anyway she didn’t realize she was doing this at the time and it's called masking and who really was she? She was told by a family member and has no memory of this: she was over at her auntie's place, some fella had come to take her out. When the door bell rang and he came in she was told her demeanor and voice changed and started talking posh. She does remember pretending to be French and talking to a young man and sitting at a bar putting on a French accent and she was very good, he thought she was French and asked her out, her reply was "I am going back to Paris tomorrow", kissed him on both cheeks and said au revoir, walked away and blew him a kiss, she must have seen this somewhere in the movies.
The only other memory she had of her uncle when she was around thirteen she was going to her bedroom he was visiting and in the bathroom with her little cousin, as she walked by he said something and instead of walking to the her bedroom she did as she was told. He must have had some control over her she zoned out and felt extremely embarrassed to do that in front of her cousin who was around three years old at the time. Leaving the bathroom overwhelmed, intimidated it was the most horrible feeling she had felt depleted, he must have had some control over her. She did get flashbacks about her cousin from Scotland when staying with her family and feeling terribly scared and laying frightened in her soaking wet pajamas and bedclothes, confused never wetting the bed before. She can understand how no one can know how a child feels when they don’t have a voice and their being deep in their soul and their nervous completely destroyed by evil. She was lucky she had aura and God’s Love and a mother who cared, that can make a difference in a child’s life or even a person who’s there for you in a good way.
unfortunately it never goes away you learn coping skills and try to keep stress out of your life by doing writing as been a wonderful gift to have and recommends for other or something you love. She has brought other things into her life to keep herself balanced and stable. Yes there are going to be days that stress appears and you learn to get through them the best way possible for her she needs to control her environment, that's something very important. She has her good days and not so good she knows they will pass what helps, being with her clients she feels comfortable with them and doing what she loves being crative and chatting that lives you spirits up......
She can see now why she wasn't scared when this pandemic was going to be reviled having that energy within and telling her husband when she turned 70 things where going to change for the better when she said better was it The Awakening? She knew exactly what was going on how did she know? Was it her mother's message warning her all those years ago now coming to fusion and then seeing the blue orb. There is nothing to fear but fear it's self after all she has been through a lot and survived and a lot more that's in her novels and writing she highly recommends even if you do not get it published, it's extremely therapeutic. Listen to this video David Icke lays it all out on the table he's brilliant talking with Sacha Stone one of her favorite people.
It has nothing to do with helping humanity what's going in in this world, all that she's has learnt and it's not taking care of our children. It’s up to the person if they want to believe there is evil in this world and people who want to control. She can go to bed at night knowing now she did her best with a clear conscience trying to warn the ones who have no idea this is going on. She can understand the media had done a great job pulling the wool over our eyes but there is still time to stop this madness when you have the knowing and knowledge.
3 The Age of Aquarius - Dr John Coleman -
New World Order - One World Government - The Roundtable - Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) - Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) - Tavistock Institute - Stanford Research Institute - Trilaterals - Club of Rome - NATO - UN - IMF - Henry Kissinger - the death of Aldo Moro - Aquarian Conspiracy - Environmentalist "Green" Movement - Counterculture - Zbigniew Brzezinski - Technotronic Era - Aurellio Peccei - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Malthus - MI6 - SIS - Global 2000 - Aspen Institute in Colorado - Black Nobility - Anti-Defamation League (ADL) - Queen Elizabeth II - CIA