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It has been known by the natural healing profession for many years, and is recently being validated by medical physicians, that well over 90% of degenerative disease conditions can be related directly to intestinal stasis, that is, a stagnant, fermenting condition within the bowels and related organs. This does not necessarily correspond to actual constipation. A person can move their bowels many times a day, and still be harboring dead cells, decaying food materials, poisonous chemicals, parasites, pus, mucus, etc., all of which contribute to the circulation of toxins throughout the whole body, giving rise to an endless chain of disease conditions.
It has been known by the natural healing profession for many years, and is recently being validated by medical physicians, that well over 90% of degenerative disease conditions can be related directly to intestinal stasis, that is, a stagnant, fermenting condition within the bowels and related organs. This does not necessarily correspond to actual constipation. A person can move their bowels many times a day, and still be harboring dead cells, decaying food materials, poisonous chemicals, parasites, pus, mucus, etc., all of which contribute to the circulation of toxins throughout the whole body, giving rise to an endless chain of disease conditions.

Dr. Shaklee Talks About Detoxification

Cellular detoxification should be accompanied by bowel elimination. The result of just activating cellular cleansing could be symptoms of nausea, weakness, headaches, rashes, and tiredness. To prevent this from happening, Dr. Shaklee developed HERB-LAX when he was recovering from x-ray induced osteosarcoma.  Herb Lax is a combination of nine different herbs that help detoxify the tissue cells through better, more complete, elimination. (See Section One pages 26-27 of Dr. Shaklee’s book, A Study Course in Nutrition)

  • SENNA (Cassia angustifolia)

Senna stimulates upper and lower bowel motility, making it an effective laxative for adults. Total body cleansing should include this herb. Senna contains hydroxyanthracene glycosides known as sennosides. These glycosides stimulate colon activity and thus have a laxative effect. Also, these glycosides increase fluid secretion by the colon, with the effect of softening the stool and increasing its bulk. Double blind trials have confirmed the benefit of senna in treating constipation. Senna improves constipation induced by drugs. A double-blind trial showed that senna was more effective and safer as  a preparatory agent for bowel surgery than the commonly used poly- ethylene glycol (PEG).


What about brown tanning of the bowel?

The condition was first observed and described in 1830 and a thorough review published in 1933 reporting no observed inflammation or disease. Many doctors associate melanosis coli with the chronic use of anthranoid containing laxatives (senna).  A case report on melanosis coli published in 1995 states: Melanosis coli is caused by anthraquinone laxative use and has no associated morbidity…..Melanosis coli does not require medical or surgical intervention and is considered a benign pigmentation disorder. ” A 1993 review on laxative adverse effects  states: Melanosis coli is due to pigment-laden macrophages within the submucosa. It occurs after long-term intake of anthraquinones and has no functional consequences. A 2012 review of the pathophysiology (potential harm) from the anthrone compounds in senna show no diseased tissue but the programmed die-off of old tissues, which may be part of the anti-carcinogenic effect of the herb.  ”  I have observed that Shaklee users of Herb Lax who show a brown tanning appearance of their bowel (I have done hundreds of rectal exams) have fewer polyps, hemorrhoids and lower rectal disorders.  I theorize that tanning of the bowel due to using Herb-Lax is therefore similar to the tanning effect of sunshine on the skin – it is healthy!

Here are some excerpts on the other herbs in Herb Lax from the 8th Edition of my book, Build A Better You available from Kathy at (503)631-4184.


  • BUCKTHORN BARK (Rhamnus  frangula)

A relative of Cascara sagrada, Buckthorn has been used for cen- turies for detoxification and as a colon tonic. Buckthorn is high in anthraquinone glycosides that restore and maintain muscle reflexes, mucous membrane integrity, nerve function and secretory gland function. Resins, tannins and lipids make up the bulk of the bark’s other ingredients. Anthraquinone glycosides have a cathartic action, inducing the large intestine to increase its muscular contraction (peri- stalsis) and increasing water movement from the cells of the colon  into the feces, resulting in strong, soft bowel  movements.


  • LiCORiCE (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

The sweet taste of this herb has made it ideal for flavoring soft drinks, candy and tea. The two major constituents of licorice are glycyrrhizin and flavonoids. According to research, glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory actions and may inhibit the breakdown of the cortisol produced by the body. Licorice may also have antiviral prop- erties. Licorice flavonoids, as well as the closely related chalcones, help heal digestive tract cells. They are also potent antioxidants and work to protect liver cells. The flavonoids have been shown to kill Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that cause most ulcers and stomach inflammation.


  • ALFALFA (Medicago sativa)

Although conspicuously absent from many classic textbooks on herbal medicine, alfalfa did find a home in the texts of the Eclectic physicians (19th-century physicians in the United States who used herbal therapies) as a tonic for indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, anemia, loss of appetite and poor assimilation of nutrients. These physicians also recommended the alfalfa plant to stimulate lactation in nursing mothers and the seeds were made into a poultice for  the treatment of boils and insect bites.

  • FENNEL SEED  POWDER (Foeniculum  vulgare)

Fennel is a sweet herb used to add a pleasant taste to other herbal preparations while increasing energy and improving digestion. The active terpenols in the seeds of fennel have a mild estrogen effect  and promote smooth muscle relaxation. Fennel also acts as a diuret- ic and choleric (increases production of bile), and it is pain and fever reducing and has antimicrobial actions.


  • ANISE  (Pimpinella anisum)

A sweet-tasting herb used in combination with less pleasant-tasting herbs that promotes detoxification. The mild estrogen effects of dianethole and photo-anethole in anise soothe mucous membranes of the body.


  • RHUBARB ROOT (Rheum palmatum)

This abundant herb (stems only) hosts a number of medicinal prop- erties, including a laxative effect. Rhubarb stem and juice contains oxalic acid. Cooking rhubarb renders the naturally organic-bound oxalic acid more absorbable but, without adequate liquid intake, potentially can cause kidney stones. The leaf of rhubarb is toxic  and should never be eaten. 


  • BLUE MELVA FLOWER (Malva sylvestris)

A lowly scrubby plant that often grows in waste ground, rubbish dumps and along fencerows, it has remarkable healing properties. It acts as a demulcent for coughs, hoarseness, bronchitis, inflammation of the larynx and tonsils and irritation of the respiratory passages. It relieves intestinal inflammation.


  • CULVER’S ROOT (Leptandra   virginica)

Used as a general pain reliever and digestive aid without side effects, this herb has a history dating back to the Roman legionnaires.

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