Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
An email
Sweetheart now you know why it’s difficult for me living in this atmosphere here. I am a Starseed and could be a indigo learning more and more. Please read what I have sent you and watch the video on Starseeds The Great Unknown. Then you will understand stand me better. 💕🥰🙏🏽
This way we can learn together what I’m receiving and you will not shut me out. That breaks my heart, my sensitive soul we need to move forward. I need your love and understanding It would mean the world 🌍 to me. To have an open and loving communication to know your truth feelings. Even though you do not share them I feel them very intensely. No more negativity. This information explains it wonderful what it’s like to be a Starseed. PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME 💕🙏🏽 You have seen a difference in yourself when you take the supplements correctly with the YTE. Please take them the way you are suppost to this will help me to be able to cope.
I love 💕 you. I’m an empath a very sensitive soul and I never will give up on our relationship. You are a good person with a wonderful heart and soul. Just let it go! We came here for a reason to learn many lessons not to hold grudges to take those walls down. Not to be stubbed, because where does it get you? I know you are passive aggressive and comes from your childhood and for me it can be extremely exhausting and especially draining. I wish to move forward, are you sweetheart really wanting to?
His reply
Thank for the nice email sweetheart. After reading the 32 signs that you are a starseed, I can see that you have almost all of the traits of a typical starseed. You are very affected by negativity which the way I come across at times. I'll try to be mindful of your needs. You are a kind and generous soul, that's why you have trouble living on this earth. I love you and appreciate your words of wisdom.
I look forward to reading more about your type of starseed. It will help me to stay positive.
Love always
Hybrid Children
Your Body & Mind! | Caroli...
After she had shared a lot of her Experiences and how she had handled her situation, through her traumas. This is why she put this website together when the pandemic came along. She felt the fears of others having an antenna reaching far and wide and their emotions they must have been going through. Being so sensitive and an empath and had been working on herself for many years to get to this place. Of Peace, Harmony, Spirituality, Having a Love Connection for her highest good.
Being on the same path they came back into each others life. They had a wonderful conversation and she sent her soul sister her website you are looking at right now. She had been working on her website before the virus came along and the shutdown. She started sharing some of her beliefs and then parts of her novels and how she feels about the Covid situation. She loves writing expressing herself and as her husband would say only as she can do and doing her way. Yes she beats to her own drum and has come along way she still has many lessons to learn .......
Her soul sister sent her this video Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and Ph.D. in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Since the early 1980s, she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input.
Inspiring & Powerful Video
In these times of uncertainty.
Motivational Speakers
In Tony Robbins' video We Are All Interconnected; he says it so well and can make you see common sense. She used to listen to his tapes and other motivational speakers in the 90s when she needed reassurance for all the stress she was going through. What you tell yourself does change your outlook and mindset; so fill it with positive thoughts otherwise how can you live feeling repressed? It is hard, she knows but like her mom would say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, will build and strengthen your character. Which is so true, people who have not had it easy in life learn how to push through. With Prayer, Faith and God's Love ~Never Stop Learning and Never Give Up

This is beautiful if only they had this support when she was young and for her child. It's marvelous what Sherri has done and is doing, her insight she possesses is wonderful. She learned Reiki to Help her Child. She was very blessed having a mother like hers who was psychic and into horoscopes and the unknown. It was on her mother side of the family. When Sherri mentioned about nose bleeds quite interesting. She used to have them when she was a child had written about it in her novel and put these stories when she was A Little Girl..
Her mom teaching her daughter to love who she was but also she was no better than everyone else and visa versa. With her mother's help, wisdom, her understanding and that incredible insight of hers. It gave her courage to go out into the world. This was the swinging 60s in London England but walked to The Beat of her Own Drum She did have an interesting life because her mother focused on her looks knowing she would be treated better her daughter not getting an education. It took her many years being able to live in this overwhelming atmosphere she had to endure. She's extremely sensitive to her environment. Living in this unfamiliar world, having to Exist being Bullied put down at school but she survived. Taught her many lessons and built her character. She was an empath as she leaned as she got older and many other things she didn't realize why she felt the way she did. When her son was born she did what her mother had done for her protected him the best way possible used her intuition and insight.............
She is now walking with her true authentic self, this is who she is meant to be, she isn’t hiding anymore and it feels enlightening. If she would have been able to read and get an education when she was young she could have been a psychologist or author, even perhaps becoming a journalist seeing she likes to investigate, having a curious mind, learning all that she can. It’s never too late because she has wisdom and passion, she believes in what she is doing. When you know the truth you have nothing to fear, she goes with her instincts which you call intuition, it's in her Being, deep in her soul. Helping her family all those years ago, if she hadn't researched looking for answers they wouldn't be where they are today. She was like her mother having the knowing and Now Sharing and never gave up then and she isn't going to now!
What's so Wonderful and knows she is unique and likes it that way. She calls her Syndrome, AURA : She's Highly Focused on what's Important to her and likes to know the truth not spin, hype or lies. As a little girl she was quite a stubborn child and asking her mummy many, many questions. Wanting to know about everything having an inquisitive mind. Her mother answering each and everyone of them because she wanted to know why mommy, why? Then one day she went into herself she stopped singing and dancing. Why? Why? Why?
Not Able To Read When Leaving School
Finding Out Later She Was Dyslexic.
Being Visual She'd Draw Picture Stories.
Loves Sharing Bringing About
This Beautiful Website With Colourful,
Images, Videos & Information With
Like Minded People
The Energy We Have Within Us ~What Our
Thoughts Can Tell Us~ Looking Inside Ourselves~
We Are In Control of Our Destiny~ God's Love,
Protecting, Guiding Her~On Her Journey Till
The Very End A Poem To Her Mom Passing On
Knowledge is Power Having The Knowing Like
Her Mother Took Her On This Journey And She
Became The Woman She Needs to Be. Amen 💕🙏🏽
Sending~ Faith~ Hope~ God's Love From the
Bottom of Her Heart She Knows She's Authentic,
Unique Cares About the Human Race Especially
Autistic Children Because She knows How
They Feel and Can Be Misled. If They Do
Not Have The Right Guidance and Love.
God Bless Canada~America & Friends
All Around The World.

Two Years Old In Her
Pretty Pink Frock
She Nurtured The Child Within
Her & Became a Brave Soul
She was sweet and adorable in her pink smock frock the dress her mother bought from a jumble sale. She loved walking barefoot on her tiptoes wanting to be a ballerina. Her kewpie lips and baby doll looks locked away in fear and had no control in what happen to her. Being on this planet she learned the best way possible how to navigate herself and fit in into this world. Knowing what her mother had taught her with her insight and knowledge helped her greatly to validate herself. To know she was important and not let anyone put her down.
Johnann Hari Explains: Depression
Extremely Well We All Go Through It
Everyone Has to Find Their Own Answers
Why Do People Get Depressed?
Will a Pill Be The Answer?
Are There Other Ways?
She knows why she gets depressed when she feels she doesn't have control
of a situation, gets overwhelmed and not getting the support she feels
she needs. For her it doesn't last long she always finds with prayer,
meditating brings her relief figuring out what she truly needs. Bring
all the right people and answers and coming into her life at that very moment. It's called what your soul and heart is crying out for and if you are
connected to a higher power, for her she calls it God's Love and devotion.
You will get all the answers you need if you look inside yourself.
There are going to be roadblocks along the way and she doesn't like change
but pushes through like we all do. Because what is the alternative?
If she doesn't want to go there and learned what works for her without medication. Writing has been a Godsend, expressing herself, being
a detailed person gets it out of her head, heightening all her
neurotransmitters keeping her balanced and researching
giving her more knowledge helping her to move forward.
This is how she has survived when those thoughts come from her
childhood, feeling helpless and she doesn't have control. Writing
her feelings out, giving her the power she needs. What is wonderful no
one can control her thoughts and she is free to think as she pleases.
It's Powerful Being Her True Authentic Self
She Took The Drug Free Approach.
In Body Mind Soul & Spirit! 💕💕
Everyone has to do what feels beat for them
Chemical Farming & The Loss of
Human Health - Dr. Zach Bush
Zach Bush, MD is triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and Western Medicine at large. And he is also the founder of Farmers Footprint https://farmersfootprint.us/, a non-profit coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the deleterious human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and pesticide reliance -- while simultaneously offering a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.
Inspiring & Powerful Video
In these times of uncertainty.
Motivational Speakers
In Tony Robbins' video We Are All Interconnected; he says it so well and can make you see common sense. She used to listen to his tapes and other motivational speakers in the 90s when she needed reassurance for all the stress she was going through. What you tell yourself does change your outlook and mindset; so fill it with positive thoughts otherwise how can you live feeling repressed? It is hard, she knows but like her mom would say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, will build and strengthen your character. Which is so true, people who have not had it easy in life learn how to push through. With Prayer, Faith and God's Love ~Never Stop Learning and Never Give Up