Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
I feel a shift in my frequency I'm happier grounded and learning about grey doves is beautiful. My husband saw them at the end of Sept when BQ. Finding out a pair of Grey dove's spiritual meaning: When it comes to love and partnership, there is no better animal symbol than that of two doves paired together. The Greeks believed that a single dove alone could not survive in nature—it would take a pair connected by love to begin something big. Looking at two doves side by side immediately invokes feelings of tranquility and harmony in those who witness them It is an example of how people can get along with each other, even if they are different. They can have a relationship that is based on understanding each other. This is important in today’s world! That's so interesting in what we went through and I saw them fly off together The presence of two doves flying together is said to bring blessings from above. Additionally, some cultures believe that when two birds appear near your home – either in pairs or individually – you are blessed with good luck!
Another powerful message behind a pair of birds side by side is that it signifies the act of bonding between individuals or groups – through marriage, friendship, or familial relationships. When doves come together, their wings form a heart-shaped symbol, which emphasizes the importance of connecting with those who matter to us most. Looking at two birds together often reminds us to pray for divine intervention in our lives; this could be because we associate them with angels who have made their journey into heaven. The dove is also mentioned in Jesus’ baptism, in which one descended from Heaven and landed upon Him, representing the Holy Spirit.
Winter Wonderland from
our kitchen window

We are very blessed, it's as if we are living at the countryside looking out at our garden. All the trees and beautiful creatures. Birds, we love the red cardinals and robins in the spring building their nests in our garden. Squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, I saw one this morning climbing a tree where the squirrel's nest is high up on the branches. Every year the same two ducks visit us, a male and female. I called one of the ducks Mildred. Last year we had three male ducks fighting over the female. They were really going at it, wings flapping water, splashing, by the time I went to take a photo it had finished.
We also have little chipmunks visiting us. My husband feeds them and he saved one who was drowning in our swimming pool. Last year this little chipmunk Alvin jumped on his chest. It startled him when he was sleeping. Alvin wanted his mixed nuts and cherry pits. There he is putting them in his pouch.

2019 Jan Owl
2022 Dec 25th Falcon

I prayed and meditated last night to send me a sign. This was amazing what my husband and I woke up to this Christmas morning. We saw an owl 🦉we thought in our garden perched on the red maple tree. We had seen an owl in 2019 on the another side of our property. When looking at the videos again it was a Falcon we saw I was told my spirit guide would appear when the time was right. What a spectacular gift to receive bringing in the New Year. I'm raising like a Falcon, I will only bring in for my Highest Good and God's Love and what I need to make this world a better place.
Because this is true of both male and female falcons, the same birds will frequently reunite every spring at their common breeding territory. In this manner, they may continue to mate over an extended period of time. However, pairs do not stay together during the winter. Sex in the animal kingdom often seems to lack any sign of romance whatsoever. In fact, it can be really quite nasty: just ask a female mallard duck or a male redback spider. However, a new study suggests that peregrine falcons could be champions of true love, with a far greater sense of “to love and to cherish, till death us do part” than most humans.

Julie I can see you put your heart and soul into the beautiful art work you do. My smudging feathers 🪶 arrived today they are absolutely lovely. Thank you 🙏🏽 for the message and present. They will go excellent with all my other wonderful elements I have brought into my healing room and home.
Sending and wishing you lots of love 💕 light 💫 and many blessings 🥰 Kim

SolMundoArt FUEGO...Spirit....Feather WAND...Painted Wild Geese Wing/ Leather/ Smudging Blessing/Shamanic Fan/Painted.. Smudge Fan/ Lightwork. ONE CHAKRA FEATHER : Rainbow 🌈Feather/ EnergyCenters/ Spiritual Feather/ Smudging//Healing//Sacred Space//Altar//Painted Feather/Lightwork 💫
Guided by the Stars ✨and Moon 🌙 energy, ⚡️awakening your Inner Fire 🔥for creating a magical 🍀space within::::
Perfect just what I was looking for more beautiful elements coming into our home and healing room. Sending Peace 📿 Love 💕Tranquility 🌻Serenity 🕊 out to the universe and stars. ✨🪐 🌟....... Guiding me on this my journey. I'm so grateful being able to share these wonderful elements with like minded souls out there. I think in pictures like Temple Grandin
My mother being so smart saw I had become withdrawn and a shy little girl bought me colouring books 📚 and pencils ✏️. Then one day I started drawing my very own pictures stories and creative my own reality. Being ostracized by other children I could be anything I wanted to be. I remember in school looking out of the classroom window always day dreaming 💭 being in a world of my very own which I liked better.