Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?

In the past several years, Red Light Therapy (also known as Photobiomodulation Therapy) has been touted as a replacement for sunlight. And while Red Light Therapy can be helpful for serotonin to improve mood, optimize sleep, Red light therapy can also help regulate other hormones and functions in the body that are influenced by the pineal gland. Light naturally stimulates the pineal gland and is activated via the optic nerve, which therefore increases serotonin production. Living in Canada this is perfect in the winter and the days you cannot get outside. Kim's extremely happy sharing Rouge RLT, it's going to do wonders for herself, family and doggies' health.

Rouge Red Light Therapy
Kim added to her studio and healing room Rouge Max G3 Red Light Therapy with stand. Learning about RLT it's amazing she needed all the help she could get for herself, family and little doggies. They had gone through a of stress and learning about Mitochondria's primary function is to produce energy. With prayer like she always does came across this Red Light Therapy. What company should she go with? Looked at some here in Canada. She decided to wait and to sleep on it. Kim always asked for guidance and the next day when she went to her iPad and right at the top saw Rouge RLT. She sent a message was so surprised she got an email right back from Margaret was able to correspond and answered all her questions.
This was wonderful being near her middle 70s finds it hard when you cannot talk to a person, everything is usually done virtually by email or chat. When you get up there in age and suffering with anxiety it can be overwhelming sometimes. She asked Margaret could she phone her please and she did. That made a world of difference with helping Kim, she was able to buy what she needed, Margaret couldn't have been more accommodating and helpful.
She went over and above board helping her. She also corresponded with Diana that's where their warehouse is in Canada Hamilton Ont. Both Margaret and Diana are beautiful souls and very happy she found this company Rouge Red Light Therapy. Kim has been interested in her family's health since way back in the 80s. Loves to share and help others out there who may be suffering very happy discovering RLT, it came at the right time for them. It would have been even better if they had known about this earlier. It's never too late and Rouge support has been extremely helpful. Margaret at the company answered all her questions and even called her when she asked could she phone her. Being in her 70s finds it difficult sometimes when you don't have that no one to talk to. It's their generation and when you have someone on the other end who truly wants to support you it makes a world of difference especially when you are going through very stressful times.
Email: kimsimm@rogers.com


Michel hurt his knee in 1980 (torn ACL) she has that info on the video. They are both enjoying the RLT very relaxing like laying in the sun without the harmful UV rays and getting all the benefits as sitting in the sun. Helping their mitochondria rejuvenating their cells.
Through the process of oxidative phosphorylation. Besides this, it is responsible for regulating the metabolic activity of the cell. It also promotes cell multiplication and cell growth. Mitochondria also detoxes ammonia in the liver cells. Why didn't she know about this sooner?

Kim has started Rainbow and Willow on a new routine so far they are doing a lot better, that has helped her stress. giving them a supplement in the morning and eating under the RLT heightening serotonin. Kim's hoping it will help her two little furry babies when Rainbow's on heat next time her suffers with PMS. This has coursed aggression between them. Both being females read this can happen. They want to keep their dogs' health and strong while they are young, they are part of their family. Does not want what happened to her other little doggie Angel, getting diabetes ending up in emergency and having to stay in the animal hospital, this was in 2021. Covid was happening Kim believes this had a lot to do with Angels illness. She give her doggies Cannanda CB2 Organic Oil. Vet bills can be costly. Red Light Therapy devices are designed for your four-legged friends: Improved Mood and inflammation skin health and more...
Below, a breakdown on everything you need to know to assist your dogs in not only their healing journey but to promote their overall wellness too!
Diabetes Mellitus / pathology
Disease Models, Animal
Low-Level Light Therapy / methods*
Surgical Wound / therapy*
Tensile Strength
Wound Healing
Wounds and Injuries / radiotherapy*
Rouge have smaller models and if you are a senior smaller would be better unless you have someone who can put the RLT together. Also it's best to talk with Margaret like Kim did, if you need assistance like she did putting her mind at rest. It's helpful when someone is very kind and thoughtful you can talk to. We older souls it's hard keeping up with this new technology, it's nice to have a beautiful soul who can help you .

Kim thought how could she keep her doggies from not moving and not to get anxious when under the RLT especially when you have dogs who do not want to keep still. As always she came up with a solution put their food on the Reiki table in the mornings, it worked perfectly as you can see and put a towel underneath. Kim never gives up she always looking what can help herself, family and little furry babies 🥰
It's easy to use, at home device it's non-invasive and provides a holistic treatment for a variety of illness and or injuries your dog may endure. For them they want to keep *Bella *Rainbow *Willow healthy in Mind Body Spirit.

Update 3 Weeks On The RLT Raw
No Makeup or Using Light or Filters
Life Style: What you eat and think, put on your skin, supplementation. Drinking water and exercising is all very important how you look and feel. Stress can show on your skin mind body and soul. Kim knows what it has done to her all the stresses she has gone through. Now she has found for her what is working and can move on. Video with very little makeup on a big difference.

It’s widely known that vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining good health. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a multitude of health issues, including misshapen and weakened bones, weak immunity, depression, multiple sclerosis, and even some cancers. It’s also the main cause of rickets in children. Despite its importance, an astounding number of people suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Given that exposure to sunlight is the most efficient way to absorb vitamin D, this widespread deficiency can in large part be attributed to a general increase in time spent indoors, as well as a change in attitude...
Vitamin D3 is very important to Take For Your Health👍🏼 If You Can't Get Your D From
the Sun. It isn't Always Possible Like us Living here in Canada in the Winters.
A revolutionary upgrade on our popular home use full body length panel. Comes with all the features you will ever need with powerful irradiance backed by third party testing to quickly deliver the energy your cells need to perform at their best. The Max is best for narrower body types up close, or wider coverage from further away.
Three-year warranty
60-day satisfaction guarantee
Free shipping
Seven-day-a-week phone support

The Science Behind Mitochondria and Light
If you use a red or near-infra red light and you don’t really know why or what wave length you’re working with - this is for you. If you don’t even know why you would use a red light or want/need exposure to it, this is also for you.
Kim's always looking for products that can help herself and her love ones to feel better. Red Light Therapy has many clinical studies regenerating the cells helping the aging progress. She never stops learning and the more she learns it's amazing what RLT can do for your mitochondria. A great video professor Glen Jeffery is interesting to listen to down to earth a Brit she misses London sometimes that where she was brought up and came to Canada in the late 70s.
When Marc Poirier, founder of Rouge, started looking for his next business venture, he didn’t realize that the answer was right in front of him, glowing like a beacon. Marc had a successful run with his previous business, an internet marketing software company called Acquisio. He eventually sold his company, and while his options for his next adventure were open, he wanted to be part of something a little more meaningful, to himself and to the greater community. Around the same time Marc was preparing to make this important change in his life, he was experiencing excruciating and unrelenting pain in his neck due to a pinched nerve between two cervical vertebrae, caused by benign scoliosis. The pain was such that he was unable to even lift his head. His visits to the osteopath would help for a few days, then the pain would creep back in like a rogue wave, ravaging and impossible to contain. His quality of life suffered, as did his family life; he had young twins that he couldn’t play with, and his partner was left to shoulder running the household alone. It wasn’t until the osteopath started using red light therapy that Marc began to see - and feel - a real difference. This therapy that he’d never even heard of was now, along with his continued therapy and exercises, the key to a pain-free life. A desire in wanting to hep others Two years ago, Marc could not have imagined life without his literal pain in the neck affecting every single aspect of his life. Today, he can say that he’s been pain-free finding the help form Red Light Therapy himself.
In Kim's eyes that's was definitely a plus and how pain has affected her life being autistic and under stress. She can suffer with migraines, pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, now getting older low energy coursing her burn out. RLT Mental Health The first thing Kim noticed she has more energy in the morning and gets things done, sleeping better that's a plus, every little bit helps. she believes it's helping her anxiety with other things she does. Michel has noticed he's not getting twinges in his knee like he was, and the pain is slowly getting better.
When you have this syndrome Autism can suffer with overload, pain, inflammation and brain fog. Our environment had a lot to do with how we feel: