Always Unique
Resilient Authentic
It doesn't always come out right on a mobile anymore. Please
go to other devices. On her website they changed her menu she
was able to figure it and put what she wanted. She's very
creative coming up with solutions She's a Light Worker
A Star🌟 Seed and came here for a reason. She's very
blessed has beautiful souls coming into her frequency
lifting her spirits to a higher vibration & on the same
wavelength as her. Bring with it all this energy of
Peace 🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
Kim's Philosophy
One of Kim's passions is designing her home creating a beautiful healthy environment for herself, family and friends It’s important for her to be in a beautiful, loving and caring friendly atmosphere that lifts her spirits with positive energy so it inspires her to be a better, happier and more productive person. She was taught at a very early age to treat others how she would like to be treated but not to be taken advantage of, stand up for what you believe in, that's what she has been able to do. One thing she cannot tolerate lying, being deceitful, not telling the truth that upsets her. It's very important to be honest and authentic and for others to do their own research in these times of uncertainty and who do you believe? She uses her common sense, intuition, meditation and prayer for guidance.
Health & Wellbeing Giving Back
Good health and well being is one of the most important things in life. If you don't have peace of mind she knows too well you can't be the person you want to be. She doesn't take her health for granted and wants to look and feel her best. The most important thing is to love and look after ourselves. So you can be there for the people you love. We all grow, we never stay the same. God's love, her Spirituality, Faith, Prayer and Meditation has helped her through the difficult times.
She Celebrate Life and She's* Happier* Stronger Because of Her Experiences.
In Mind * Body * Spirit
& Most of All Love
Her & Her Beautiful Mum
Taking this journey the drug free approach in 1992 to help their child and very blessed they did. She's not a doctor but is an empath and a mother who's lived with this syndrome Asperger's all her life. She likes to call her syndrome Aura. She's also Dyslexic* You can also suffer with other modalities, be Highly Sensitive to your Environment. Can be misdiagnosed being a female. Why? You learn to mask as she had put in one of her videos 2012. They were on YouTube but 4 were taken down. Thank goodness they were saved on Vimeo.
When she created these videos there was nothing like hers out there. It was mostly to do with males and the only other information she could find on females was Temple Grandin, a wonderful brilliant woman. She was nothing like her, except she thought in pictures and being creative thinking everyone could visualize like her. Her videos were shown at the women's Asperger's support group in 2012. Vimeo Angel Butterflywings
There are many who have no idea they are on the autism spectrum and could have Asperger's, and been diagnosed with ADD or other disorders. The Asperger's gene is more dominate on the father's side. If you do suffer with this syndrome it can be overwhelming, exhausting and full of anxiety sometimes trying to fit in. It's extremely necessary to take care of yourself In *Mind *Body *Spirit & Soul. Needing positive energy to lift you up to a higher vibration. Have to have a purpose in life cannot be ideal will make you depressed and perhaps angry sometimes. Also to find natural and pure products that have been clinically tested and studied.
Negativity and stress can make you ill being so sensitive to your environment. For herself she cannot take antidepressant medication she doesn't do well on them and for many can put weight on and can have side affects. It's not getting to the rough course especially when trying to keep her body toxin free, which very hard these days. This is their story, her life path, we are all individuals trying our very best for ourselves and family. Everyone has to do what works for them, . She hopes you will be able to do the same for yourself family and loved ones. INTUITION
Put This Video Together in 2011 with Her Son's Help
She no longer has the website drugfree Maudes. She went through a horrible experience in a lot of pain *physically *mentally *emotionally. She was born with Pectus excavatum her sternum compressing on her lung and heart capacity, when the condition is severe, causing fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, and a fast heartbeat. She remembers having difficulty trying to get her breath when running and pains in her chest. She had her first operation in 1972 very painful had her sternum broken and turned around and a metal bar put inside her for six months. She had another problem which was more concerning to her being a young girl. Did have that corrected and several more operations through the years some were good and some were not.
What she went through she didn't know who to trust and shutdown. It was one of the most difficult places to be and wanted to sue had to let some clients go while she was going though this devastating experience. Having to take pain medication that didn't help. It was too, too stressful trying to sue here in Canada it would have been overwhelming for her sensitive soul. She had to move forward like she always does experiencing these feeling making her stronger. Learning to let go of her ego which was very hard at the time. She knew she had to for her well being making her a better person. As usual she bounced back that's why she call her syndrome AURA Always Unique Resilient Authentic. She never blames this doctor was highly recommended he was a good surgeon but feels he had never done an operation like this before she was a Guinea pig and it went terrible wrong. Had to have three more operations within a year and it sill wasn't fixed. She walked away couldn't tolerate going under anaesthetic and the pain and anxiety again it was causing memory loss she losing her confidence. It was upsetting she had taken very good care of herself it's such a long story. She had to move on like she always does. You hope you learn from your experiences and has always found the help she needed. With prayer, faith, meditation and never giving up hope even though she felt like it sometimes. Life goes on AMEN!!!