Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
She's an immigrant from London England came to Canada in the late 70s. Met her husband soon after she arrived and they have been together ever since. In 2020 turning 70 she had an awakening, a calling, an energy, a calmness within. Turning to her spirituality and wanting to share with others who may be interested or are on the same wavelength. It's been wonderful to be able to get her beliefs and passion across. There are always going to be people who may not agree with her philosophy. We all have a right to our opinions and should respect each other's point of view, which is very important. We are all on our own life's journey; she has had her difficulties but that never stopped her believing in herself. More
Kim, trained in London England, came to Canada in 1977 and opened up two successful hair dressing businesses called Blandes Hair Studio, one in 1982 on Carling Avenue and a second studio in 1984 downtown in the Market Mall in between George and William street. More
The Secret Garden was built at the back of their home, a solarium bringing in lots of light and positive energy. Kim's studio was the first ECO Friendly to opened in the city in 2008, a non toxic, chemical free hair studio. Beautiful surroundings with calming music and pleasant atmosphere. Kim being visual and after learning Reiki in 2001 she wanted to change her surroundings. Earth tone colours putting hardwood flooring, leather and wood furniture. Creating and Designing their home into an image of Tuscany; seeing she lived in Europe and loves that Mediterranean style, bringing a beautiful positive energy.
Michel a retired French teacher still enjoys supply teaching grades one to eight. Loves making gluten free muffins, they are delicious. Recipe His interests are Working Out he retired from playing hockey in 2018. He completed an online nutrition course with Dr. Brouse. More Dr. Brouse helped the family in 1992 and put them on the road to good health. One of the first thing they had to do was take All Chemical Cleaners out of their home.
Their Doggies. Hypo~Allergenic Bella a Morkie and Angel a Maltichon. Angel and Bella came into their lives in 2014.
She didn't realize when she picked Rainbow 🌈 for her adopted new baby puppy who will be with them soon. Why did it resonate with her? She knows she liked the name and her little Angel👼definitely sent her this little fluffy baby and answered her prayers🙏🏽. This was a amazing she was connecting to her sweetheart ❤️Angel 👼with her oracle💫✨✨⭐️ S T A R S E E D cards. She has always felt she never belonged here and she's from another planet. It was eye opening two days after receiving her cards and two weeks after her sweetheart passing. She did another reading. This time she picked two cards facedown asked Angel👼 to pick the right one. What happens when the right card is chosen. A purply hue, an energy she is seeing, a straight ribbon that widens. Beside it a pale grey pink smoky colour, Angel's👼 spirit her frequency she's seeing. It's beautiful. It's not like some like to call them ghosts, it's just energy very peaceful. It hovers back and forth it's like a mirage then disappears then comes back again. That's how she knows she has chosen the right card. That same day she came across this video this was unbelievable a sign. Angel👼 had sent her confirming why she picked the name Rainbow🌈. Also why our animals pick us and never leave our side.
This lady in the video explains it extremely well, It was to let her know everything she believes in, proves what she wrote it's true. Our pets never leave us their loving souls are always with us.. The name she had chosen it was meant to be. She felt a strong connection to the name Rainbow🌈Now she knows why making her very happy. Angel's👼in heaven and will be Rainbow's🌈Guardian Angel😇You have to watch the video to understand what she has been sharing.
She just realized the video on her other page also says Rainbow 🌈Bridge didn't even see it till now, isn't that strange? How we notice things when we are meant to and having this video come into her view after the Starseed oracle card reading. Life is a miracle when we think outside the box , it's amazing what we can manifest and in her world everything is beautiful ............
Kim's Philosophy
One of Kim’s passions; designing her home and business creating a beautiful healthy environment for herself, family and friends It’s important for her to work in a beautiful, loving and caring friendly atmosphere with calming music that lifts her spirits with positive energy so it inspires her to be a better, happier and more productive person. Kim was taught at a very early age to treat others how she would like to be treated but not to be taken advantage of, stand up for what you believe in, that's what she has been able to do.

Her little therapy doggie Rainbow 🌈 what she manifested it became a realty Rainbow 🌈 will be with them and can't wait for her to be with her family. She will be able to take her everywhere a blessing in disguise. Spoiling her beautiful baby doggie and will heal her heart ❤️with so much love💕💕💕. Isn't that what life is all about. Love💕 and getting along...........
Little Angel 👼
Finds Out She's Diabetic
June 29th 2021: Had been a very long day and on her husband birthday and unfortunately it wasn't a good one, little Angel 👼 and the second day of not eating. Her husband was on the phone trying to get an appointment for her with the vets and was still talking to the lady. when her client arrived Finding out couldn't see her for a month and gives him three animals hospitals for emergency. Did say there could be a twelve hour wait in the parking lot the hospitals where very busy. It was a blessing her client was there and she recommend a veterinarian who was close by and was able to see little Angel 👼 later in two hours. What a blessing! 🙏🏽.😊
He left at 3:00 o’clock The bad news when the vet did the blood and urine test she has diabetes. She wasn’t producing enough insulin and needed an emergency care and they couldn’t guarantee she would live. My God she couldn't think of the worst. They were shocked to find out she's diabetic and she must be a little hardy dog, they had no idea. She had said to her husband she felt Angel 👼 needed to go for a check up but with all this Covid go on he thought she was over reacting and didn't see what she was seeing and feeling.
The vet said it’s something they can be born with and part of her bread, . she’s only 7 years old and she couldn’t think of living with out her little sweetheart. She came into her life when she was going through a very hard time. It was meant to be them being together they needed each other. How on earth could she have let her go and it didn’t matter what the cost was she had to be saved. What a day but feeling relieved it looks like Angel 👼 is going to make it. Our doggies and pets are like our children and part of the family, you never want them to be suffering. She had always been with her since the day they had picked her up all those years ago, just now and again nipping out and very rarely leaving her for too period of long.
Her husband took her to emergency the Ottawa Veterinary Hospital on Boyd avenue at 5.30.pm and outside in the car because of the Covid he couldn’t go in with her. She was waiting patiently for his calls with the updates as soon as he heard how little Angel 👼 was doing. He was still there at 7.47.pm and gets the news she will be in the hospital for awhile and could be there for four days or even longer her insulin levels were critical. She will have to be on insulin for the rest of her life if she was going to makes it. The good news Angel’s vital signs were good and she wasn’t dehydrated, that was good news. He had to wait for the papers to be signed and pay half the bill. She had been praying with all her heart her baby Angel 👼 would make it. Her client saying prayers for her as well, she didn’t know what she would do without her.
June 30th: Feeling better but had been crying a lot, it was good getting all her emotions out. Michel had to buy a glucose monitor, a sensor at the pharmacy it goes on her body and the scanner reads the glucose level in two seconds. It does away with the needles to check levels of insulin. The vet says the sensor and scanners for people are much cheaper than the canine ones and work just as well. They are trying to keep her insulin stable it’s getting better but she will not eat or go for walks, they have her on a IV drip feeding her mineral and vitamins also on antibiotics. They thought she might have Cushing’s disease they did an ultrasound the good news she doesn't.
June 31: They talked to a technician that morning, they phone everyday and Angel👼 still isn’t eating. He is going to take her favourite treats, a piece of clothing a item his wife wears and she can lay on. If she still isn't eating they will see if they can go everyday to pick her spirits up. Because of the Covid rules they were not sure, the technician said to talk to the vet and under certain conditions they will bend the rules. She will be able to hold her in arms, little her sweetheart will be able to feel her loving healing touch and know she hasn’t been abandoned. She’s such a sensitive little dog and has never been away from her since they picked her up seven years ago. You have to have compassion and veterinarians love animals that’s why they go into that field. they want to see their patients do well and thrive.
July 1st: Canada Day Waiting for the phone call to see how Angel 👼 was doing had family over and that helped to pass the time keeping her mind occupied, but worried wanting some good news. She was told she would get another call the next day to see if she could go for a visit. She didn't sleep very well in fact had a dream of her little Angel👼, her dreams are so really and vivid and in technicolour.
July 2nd: They went to visit her but the first time only one person was allowed in the room, she was very quiet and looked a little disoriented hooked up to her IV. The technician put her on the table and left them, if she need assistance to ring the bell. She wasn't wearing her mask on no one seemed to bother, she wanted Angel 👼 to see her smiling face and she in good health. She could smell her Ducky treats and couldn’t wait to eat them, gobbled them up that was a good sign. She must have eaten 10 in all when giving her regular food she didn’t want it. Was happy seeing her eating and put her on my knee for awhile and did her healing touch but she seemed restless and put her back on the table. When she did she thought the IV had come out there was one swinging back and forth, thank goodness it was an extra one.
She rang a bell for assistance and asked the technician if Angel👼 could go outside she thought she might want to go to the toilet seeing she was restless and she did go for a pee. Once she was outside and eating all that food and then she saw them both outside and that made her happy seeing her mommy and daddy together; it seemed to perk up and went for a little walk then wanting to be picked up like she would at home. It was a relief being with her and she know it helped her psychic having them there together. She was a little concerned how she would be went she was gone.
July 3rd: They found out when the technician phones she slept better and seemed more content still wasn’t eating as much as they would like. She asked if she could visit again and had to do it through the vet doctor when she calls in the afternoon. It was hard leaving her little Angel👼, but felt good to see her doing better, hoping she will be home soon. Second visit they went in the evening she was more alert wagging her tail and licking and they were allowed to be in the room together and she eat some of the diabetic food that was more of a good signs. Took her out side for a pee and a walk and she perked up and happy and drank some water. She was still hooked up to the IV but looking a lot better, what a relief.
July 4th: Good news the vet is happy with her progress and said she should be able to come home tomorrow. They went for another visit keep seeing improvements was eating her suppers her husband feeding her by hand while she did her the healing touch. Took her outside for her walk but didn't make to do herdid her pee on the mat right near the door. She was more alert that was good
July 5th:
Angel 👼 is the perfect name for her, she loved being on the bed with her meditating, listening to the calming music and the positive aforementioned. she’s a gentle loving soul and suffers from separation anxiety so being in the hospital has been overwhelming for her but is in good hands. God heard all the prayers. 🙏🏽.😊As she has mentioned Dog spelt backwards is God, She is a gift from the heavens for her and her husband their little Bella for her son and the family. They are our little precarious ones extremely comforting and healing for us as well only want to do the best for them.
June 29th 2021: Had been a very long day on her husband birthday and unfortunately it wasn't a good one, little Angel and the second day of not eating. Michel was talking to the lady at the vets where Angel goes but they couldn't see her for a month and gave him three animals hospitals but said there could be a twelve hour wait in the parking lot. It was a blessing her client had just come as he was on the phone and recommend a vicenarian who was close by and could see her in two hours,. what a blessing!
He left at 3:00 o’clock The bad news when the veteran did the blood and urine test she has diabetes. She wasn’t producing enough insulin and needed an emergency care They were shocked to find out she has diabetes and she must be a little hardy dog and they couldn’t guarantee she would live. The vet said it’s something they are born with and part of her bread, they hadn't seen any signs she had diabetes. She’s only 7 years old and she couldn’t think of living with herself she came into her when she was going through a very hard time. How on earth could she have her put down and let that happen doesn't matter what the cost is. Our doggies and pets are like our children and part of the family, you never want them to be suffering. Angel had always been with her since she had picked her up all those years ago, just now and again nipping out but very rarely leaving her for too long. Angel loved being on the bed with her meditating and they needed each other, My God she couldn't think of the worst.
Michel took her to emergency the Ottawa Veterinary Hospital on Boyd avenue at 5.30.pm and outside in the car because of the Covid he couldn’t go in with her. She was waiting patiently for his calls with the updates as soon as he heard how little Angel was doing. He was still there at 7.47.pm and gets the news she will be in the hospital for awhile and could be there for four days or even longer because her insulin levels were now critical. She will have to be on insulin for the rest of her life if she was going to makes it. The good news Angel’s vital signs were good and she wasn’t dehydrated. He had to wait for the papers to be signed and pay half the bill. She was praying with all her heart baby Angel would make it. Her client saying a pray for her as well, she didn’t know what she would do without her Angel, her name is perfect for her. She is gentle, loving and suffers from separation anxiety so being in the hospital will be overwhelming for her but she is in good hands. What a day but feeling relieved it looks like Angel 👼 is going to make it, God heard the prayers. 🙏🏽.😊
June 30th: Feeling better but had been crying a lot, Michel had to buy a glucose monitor, a sensor at the pharmacy it goes on her body and the scanner reads the glucose level in two seconds. It does away with the needles to check levels of insulin. The vet says the sensor and scanners for people are much cheaper than the canine ones and work just as well. They are trying to keep her insulin stable it’s getting better but she will not eat or go for walks, they have her on a drip feeding her mineral and vitamins also on antibiotics. They thought she might have Cushing’s disease they did an ultrasound the good news she doesn't.
June 31:We talked to a technician this morning, they phone everyday and Angel still isn’t eating. Michel going to take her favourite food treat, a clothing item she can lay on, if she still isn't eating they will see if they can go everyday and she will be able to hold her in arms, little Angel will be able to feel my healing touch and know she hasn’t been abandoned. She’s such a sensitive little dog and has never been away from her since we picked her up seven years ago. Because of the Covid rules they were not sure if the could visit, the technictain said to talk to the vet under certain conditions they will bend the rules. You have to have compassion and veterinarians love animals that’s why they go into that field. they want to see their patients do well and thrive.
July 1 They went to visit her but the first time only one person was allowed to be with her, Angel was very quiet and looked a little disoriented, hooked up to her IV, the lady put her on the table, I didn’t have my mask on no one seemed to bother, she wanted her to see my face and she isn't sick. Angel could smell her Ducky treats and couldn’t wait to eat them, that was a good sign. She must have eaten 10 and would have eaten the whole bag if she hadn’t stopped and when giving Angel her regular food she didn’t want it. Was happy seeing her eating and put her on my knee for awhile and did Reiki she seemed restless and put her back on the table. When she did she thought the IV had come out there was one swinging back and forth, thank goodness it was an extra one. I asked the lady if Angel could go outside I thought she might want to go to the toilet seeing she was restless and she did. Once she was outside and eating all that food she seemed to perk up and then she saw Michel and I together she put her paws on me wanting to be picked up like she would at home. It was relief being with her and I know it helped her having me there. I was concerned how she would be went I was gone and find out tomorrow when the technician phones. I asked if I can visit again I have to do it through the doctor when she calls in the afternoon. It was hard leaving my little Angel, but felt good to see her doing better, should be home soon.👍She did take her out side and she perked up a little bit and Michel
Please say a little pray 🙏🏽 for our Angel