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Now I know why I Called My Little Doggie

Being taken to these other video are they true or not? Are they trying to tell her something? 

  Came Across This Video Sept 3rd 2023 About Rainbow🌈 

 Also taken to these other websites who think the same way as her.
Is it real
 or not these Angelic Beings? She has no idea but to her she likes to think it's real!!!She did see when a little girl an Angelic Being in her bedroom window and who was she?  What you manifest can become a reality. As long as you are not hurting anyone and
you have a pure loving  heart . Then there is nothing to fear...


 Starseed 🌟Goddess of Love❤️ Rainbow🌈 Aura of Light  💫

Since this Video was Created
new info was found Hans Asperger


What Is More Important
Than Love~Family
& Friends

She will be putting in the near future part of a story she has written about a child being born into this world a Gift from God. How it affected the family  seeing their child wasn't the same anymore. The struggles the heart ache not knowing what was wrong but she never gave up in helping her beautiful son.  No one believed in what she was doing at first, she didn't care, she had the knowing the insight like her mother had done for her.  The heart brain connection. Even though the umbilical cord had been cut he would be part of her no matter what and she would never, never give up on him so help me God more...... 

Dr. Malone is a specialist in clinical research, medical affairs, regulatory affairs, project management, proposal management (large grants and contracts), vaccines and biodefense. This includes writing, developing, reviewing and managing vaccine, bio-threat and biologics clinical trials and clinical development strategies.


She Has Learned a lot More
Since She Made This Video 2011

This was Amazing, another sign

 An Email Appeared That Morning

This is amazing, she was going through a very hard time, crying what happens she shuts down and can sabotage herself. But like always she learns something from her experiences. My goodness she prayed and meditated for guidance that night. When she went on her emails that morning she was blown away. This email was looking right back at her. She knows it was there to remind her she had a mission and not to give up on her dreams as her mom would say. She couldn’t believe this was an old email going back many years ago. Her mom passed in 2007 she went through a difficult time back then. As always she turns it around to a positive. Here's the email she saw and  had a website back then helping others who were interested in knowing more about the drug free approach. She started a non profit called MAUDES to raise money for autistic children.  (Children At Risk here in Ottawa). She has to thank her brother in law Gilles, his wife Jay who's now in heaven, a beautiful soul an amazing mother and wife and friend. She was dearly loved by many and came to her in her dream. 

The band Good2Go helped to raise money that evening for Children At Risk. Their second Annual fundraiser  At  Zaphod's 

Unfortunately she had a very bad experience it was devastating what she went through. Mentally, Physically and Emotionally, how could she trust and took her website down.

Britain Through A Lens:
The Documentary Film Mob Part 1 to 
How the propaganda documentaries
were started in Great Britain 

This is The Email She Saw


Dear Marsha.


I would love for you to keep in touch with me.  I'm happy that our website has helped you in some way, that's the reason I put this website together so parents can see that even though our son was diagnosed he has done some amazing things. 


 We never gave up, it can be very difficult there are things we went through with our son that I didn't put on the website. Go with your intuition no one can love their child as much as a mother, I'm not saying fathers don't love their children it's just that bond with a mother and child.


 When you have a special needs child because of the stress unfortunately there are a lot of divorces. Also it's usually the mother that seeks the help for their child that's what I had to do. When no one would listen to me,  I took it into my own hands and went to Oregon, this was in 1992. When you carry your baby for nine months and you feel in your heart that something is wrong you will go to the ends of the earth. I know I did.


Do you go to the Asperger's support group? We will be going in January to talk to anyone who is interested in what we have been doing,  if you would like to phone me I would be very happy to talk with you. I know how hard it can be. Please take care, God only give us things that we can handle and makes us stronger. I have cried so many tears and with my mother who passed away not that long ago it been a sad time for me she told me don't ever give up on my dream and purpose in wanting to reach out and help others.  Doing what I'm doing is helping me to get through these sad times.  My faith and with God's love has always helped me through these heartfelt moments..


                                                 God Bless, Love

Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 5:49 PM
Subject: Asperger/ADHD son

> Hi, 
> I have just been to your website and have sat here with tears streaming
> down. My son was diagnosed as ADHD when he was four. It has only been
> since this summer that they are throwing around an Asperger or HFA diagnoses.
> The doctor wants to change him to the applied courses but I don't think this
> will help. He understand but has trouble with written (essays) work. Short  answer and multiple choice is fine. I want to thank you for putting this information out there. I hope you do not mind if I e-mail you more.
> Marsha



She felt all alone all those years ago even when she went to the Autism support group to share her story. No one seemed to want to listen about not giving drugs to these children. Why would they? Here in Canada it was given freely. She was so blessed knew in her being she was doing the right thing for her little boy. She did have mothers get in touch with her who wanted to take the drug free approach. She was happy to share that's what filled her heart with such joy to help others in similar situations. 

Jenny explains it very well along with the other guest on the Larry King Show. She remembers getting in touch with the show after seeing a guest talking about autism and could relate to what was being said.  She had been through all of this with her son and wanted so desperately to get her story out there. Her anxiety, PTSD and having learning difficulties stopped her. While she was put on hold having these unbelievable feeling taking over her body. She stated shaking her throat was closing up felt she couldn't breathe and put the phone down. Didn't realize at the time she was having a panic attack. Childhood trauma

She would have many of them because at the time she was terrified of the dark, thank goodness she isn't anymore. This happened again when she thought she should get in touch with the Oprah show having people tell her she needed share her story. it was too difficult didn't like having the emphasis put on her made her very uncomfortable. She thinks there was another reason as well being an empath picking up energies she didn't want. 

She also didn't want to put her son out there autism was viewed differently and many didn't understand this syndrome back then. Even some teachers had treated her son terrible. 
Oh yes her mama bear came out it was horrible what her son went through. She felt it deep in her soul and had to protect him no matter what because she knew what that felt like.  Leave our children the innocent ones along that's all she is going to say for now. 

She will be putting in the near future part of a story she has written about a child being born into this world a Gift from God. How it affected the family  seeing their child wasn't the same anymore. The struggles, the heartache, not knowing what was wrong but she never gave up in helping her beautiful son.  No one believed in what she was doing at first, she didn't care, she had the knowing the insight like her mother had done for her.  Even though the umbilical cord had been cut he would be part of her no matter what and she would never, never give up on him so help me God...... 

She always felt she didn't belong here. Yes from another planet she lived on a different hemisphere. She finds what's best for her to keep herself grounded praying meditating and sharing. It's not always been easy finding what's right for her family. She always pushes through. If she hadn't she wouldn't be where she is today. That's the honest truth she doesn't like lies. That's why it has been very difficult the last thee years knowing you cannot trust the government and people in charge......



In middle school he was doing a lot better and had a wonderful special needs teacher. He became the weatherman Mr Sunshine 🌞 had his hair coloured blond, using this new system CHI no bleach non toxic. In the mornings there he was on the tv school monitor broadcasting the weather. He was in his element, a happy little camper. For his thirteenth birthday he meet the local weatherman on CTV news JJ Clark. A friend of her husband’s was able to do that for them and a great surprise for him. Letting him be the weatherman that evening broadcasting the weather and filmed it for him. He was told he was better the JJ the first time he did the weather. That but a smile on our son’s face. Many a stories going through the good, no so good and the triumph he made. He is doing wonderful has his own business he has a good reputation honest loyal and very good at his job something he loves and no medication . 🥰🙏🏽 


He did little Master Reiki he was up at the blackboard writing and joining in. It was wonderful seeing him light up being his authentic self;  with the other children and this amazing Reiki Master practitioner Julie Desmarais. She became a client and friend and she saw an angelic being like herself when younger. She knew as soon as they meet they must have known each other before in another existence, long, long ago. She felt her warmth her loving nature and knew there was a reason why they meet and found out later why.... They had an article about Julie's journey in the MysticMag the info is at the bottom of this page.


Later he did take his first level of Reiki with another Master Reiki teacher Garry Rondeau he enjoyed it so much wanted to go back the next day. I had to explain to him he had to walk with the Reiki for awhile then will be able to take the next level.  Unfortunately went he went to High School he didn't want to feel different and walked away from his spirituality. It's there in his being it will rise at the right time because when he was a little boy...........




When younger he would draw versions they were from another galaxy have them somewhere in the house. They were in story picture forms and would also write epic compositions and had a names for these space aliens. In Elementary school he had some great teachers who were wonderful with him became friends with one of them. Her and her husband were clients of mine.  Go in once a week to her class to be with these special needs children. He was with this teacher in the afternoon for three years. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case in his fourth year at this school.  This teacher he had now she had no understanding and treated him horribly, she was very spiteful. What this did caused the other kids to do the same things. It was not a nice experience for him. That story is at the bottom The Last Year At Elementary School .

I did keep some of his maps, he would draw on each piece of paper in great details they were incredible. He had such patience and kept him occupied for hours. Then tape each paper fitting perfectly together like a puzzle, they would cover the floor. When he was in elementary school they laminated one and put his maps on the wall. I think this came from his vision when looking down from the plane this is what he memorized.  The map I'm showing you our son drew we had to fold it to put it away it doesn’t lay as flatter anymore and not able to see the whole images in the picture. I just came across this other video Mary Rodwell explaining Indigo and Crystal children. The more I see the more I know what I believe is definitely truth for me. Everyone has their own beliefs we can create what we wish to manifest to be positive.....

When younger She'd draw versions they were from another galaxy have them somewhere in the house. They were in story picture forms and would also write epic compositions and had a names for these space aliens. In Elementary school he had some great teachers who were wonderful with him became friends with one of them. Her and her husband were clients of mine.  Go in once a week to her class to be with these special needs children. He was with this teacher in the afternoon for three years. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case in his fourth year at this school.  This teacher he had now she had no understanding and treated him horribly, she was very spiteful. What this did caused the other kids to do the same things. It was not a nice experience for him. That story is at the bottom The Last Year At Elementary School .

I did keep some of his maps, he would draw on each piece of paper in great details they were incredible. He had such patience and kept him occupied for hours. Then tape each paper fitting perfectly together like a puzzle, they would cover the floor. When he was in elementary school they laminated one and put his maps on the wall. I think this came from his vision when looking down from the plane this is what he memorized.  The map I'm showing you our son drew we had to fold it to put it away it doesn’t lay as flatter anymore and not able to see the whole images in the picture. I just came across this other video Mary Rodwell explaining Indigo and Crystal children. The more I see the more I know what I believe is definitely truth for me. Everyone has their own beliefs we can create what we wish to manifest to be positive.....

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