Always Unique
Resilient Authentic
It doesn't always come out right on a mobile anymore. Please
go to other devices. On her website they changed her menu she
was able to figure it and put what she wanted. She's very
creative coming up with solutions She's a Light Worker
A Star🌟 Seed and came here for a reason. She's very
blessed has beautiful souls coming into her frequency
lifting her spirits to a higher vibration & on the same
wavelength as her. Bring with it all this energy of
Peace 🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
The tornado was very, very close a house at the top of our street two large trees were hit and broke in two. Her son shouted get downstairs mum a tornado’s coming. Her husband was all ready down there in the dark finishing his workout. Rainbow 🌈 and Willow 🕉 were up stairs and not barking. She felt no fear her intuition was saying they were safe and go to her hair studio and healing room and start playing the singing 🎶bowls. Kim was expecting her client and friend her Starseed Angel Goddess sister Julie, she was concurred and prayed 🙏🏽 and started playing her bowls. Then tuning forks sending out Love ❤️ Light 💫 and Protection and for the tornado to dissipate. For no one would be harmed and not too much damage and any life’s to be taken and Julie would be safe. The dogs never barked which is unusual even with the thunder. She felt at peace she didn’t think Julie was coming but knew she had been surrounded with Love Light, protecting her and she would be ok.
It’s hard for others to understand how raising your vibration with prayer 🙏🏽 meditation and sound frequencies sending it out to the universe, galaxies and beyond the stars ⭐️Being positive can change your outlook, Kim wasn’t scared in fact very calm. She seemed to have gone into a zone like state and the dogs were still not barking. She felt everything around her was peaceful and the energy shifting. She even used her golden Angel tuning forks that gets rid of negative energy. You will never know if it changed their circumstances sending out a higher frequency of love, protection with prayer 🙏🏽
All Kim can tell you it was coming their way, She know in her heart and deep in her being it helped them because when you truly believed anything is possible. Julie believes it to be true. Why? We are Star⭐️Seeds we were sent here to make this world a better place. To have Faith and God’s love ❤️ inside of us. For her God has always been Love❤️and always will........
Kim draw Star⭐️ Seed Angel Goddesses they are Magnificent Angelic Beings. Her Rainbow 🌈 and Willow are Star⭐️ seed Doggies
You do not have to go to church or be religious to believe in God and Jesus a higher power. Everyone has their own beliefs as long as you are not hurting anyone and it's not satanic. Jesus was a healer and never judged only loved. This is what our universe really wants? If we all raised our vibrations come together, no judging who’s right or wrong. This world 🌎 will truly change become a better place, no wars no hate. No one thinking they are better than anyone else. She remember listening to John Holland telling a story about his house and there was a raging fire. All the other houses burnt down and his was still standing. He’s a medium and an empath another beautiful soul. Kim had put together a meditation tape about God's love for her son when he was young to listen to while he was going to sleep. Later he put those words on a CD, she still listens that meditation brings back wonderful memories for her and then learning Reiki.
29 years ago in June, Julie created Julie Desmarais & Associates with the intention of being of the greatest service she could, to help reconnect her clients with their true nature.
All these years later, She is still going strong and so grateful to continue her journey as a Spiritual Guide, Holographic Energy Worker and Reiki Master Teacher Trainer. she could not have done it without you putting your trust & faith in her. Julie in the MysticMag
not have done it without you putting your trust & faith in me.
An hour later there was a knock at the door OMG there stood Julie crying and trembling Kim stretched her arms out she wanted to hold her take her fear away. She was scared for us she had parked her car and could see there was a tornado coming our way and the rain was pouring. She saw people in the streets and her being an empath and a very sensitive soul and could feel the energy the fear around her. They hugged it was wonderful to see each other were save and sound knew she needed comforting; said now you are here, would you like after I colour and cut your hair? Michel and I can do a healing sound session on you. Kim felt she needed to calm her nerves down she had gone through a traumatic experience. Julie said yes, we both saw beautiful angelic beings when we were younger. She was one of my Reiki teachers and Michel had done a teaching session with her.
Kim played the chakra coloured crystal bowls with butterflies 🦋 on them also the Tibetan singing bowls all the way from Nepal that had been blessed by the Tibetan monks. She finished with the weightless tuning forks Julie hearing the different frequencies from her root chakra to her crown.
She really enjoyed the session and could feel the calmness and relaxation coming over her, it did feel good the atmosphere of Tranquility, Serenity and Love. She had asked and manifested if it was possible for our highest good before Julie was gone for their power to come back on. The amazing thing she was sitting in her chair ready to go home and were still chatting. Low and behold the lights came on that very moment. What a blessing 🥰🙏🏽 she as able to blow dry Julie's hair and what an unbelievable experience she will never forget and a beautiful one.
2023 Nov 10th came across this gentleman's YouTube Channel great interview fascinated. A Canadian Dr. Yvonne Kason pass lives experiences inspiring listening to this beautiful genuine articulate soul, incredible what she's sharing. After watch there is no denying we are here for a reason and as she has always said: God is Love and we chose to come here and when we are ready to go. Can understand what the doctor is saying about God's Divine Love and Protection.........
When she was young had a wonderful loving relationship with her mum. Who loved and understood her and took care of her, she was like no other mother back then. Some of her experiences: Mother's Dream sending her to a website about God's love orbs, indigo children the lost city of Atlantis and so much more....