Always Unique
Resilient Authentic
Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
Watch Documentary The New World Order
Journey to a New World -Economic Forum
More With Amazing Polly Mind Blowing
visit her Channel:…
An interview with Sacha Stone and Laura Lynn, she's a wonderful human being, a spiritual leader with such compassion and humanity. She has been following her since the pandemic started. Sacha Stone, an amazing human being as well, an incredible artist, his heart is pure as snow for humanity. The knowledge he possesses is astonishing and has the knowing. The love he feels an inner light of solitude, an honesty within himself. This is because what he went through as a child and he knows the truth. She can connect with that energy, going through her own journey. As he says our consciousness leads us, that’s so true; for her a Brit growing up in London England in the 50s: No education, she couldn’t read, didn’t learn anything at school, she was an open book and thought outside the box. Her aura that gave her intuition and after all it was in her DNA when she listened to it, guided her to where she is today. Learned many lessons she needed to acknowledge, understand why she was here and what she was meant to do.
Our childhood does give us our foundation, fortitude and the people who are around us and meet along the way. It gives us our character and for her it gave her this uniqueness, resilience and authenticity on this full spectrum journey. A child who was blessed having a mother like hers and God's love, he never gave up on her or let her down. A free spirit, a butterfly flittering here there and everywhere and never settling. She yearned to know what true love was but had no idea, till she met this tall dark handsome young man and was like no other she had met before. He was very well educated, a high IQ, a beautiful artist and full of compassion. He was from another country and with a different background; his parents well off and she was from a working class family with very little money. Their eyes met across a crowd room in a London disco this is all in one of her novels she is writing.
Her conscious knowing what was right gave her the courage to stand up for what she believes in and brought her to where she is today. It so true, unless you have been through the fire how can you have the passion and be a truth seeker. It didn't happen overnight, she went through her ups and downs, her anxieties and secrets some of the times taking over and getting in the way. This happened because of these experiences she went through and also pain can shut you down physically, emotionally and mentally. Bringing on fear, insecurities, second guessing herself. Then guess what? Believe it or not everything changed for the better in 2020. Did she find the answers on this incredible path she took? You can be the judge when her novels are finished. All she wants is for this world to be a better place, like her grandpa's story he wrote for her and when she would daydream in class looking out of the window connecting to the sky and nature.........
All this Information Coming
You Either Believe It Or Not ~She is still
Searching What Her Mother said Putting
Her On This Path Of The knowing
Former rock musician and artist Sacha Stone grew up in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe throughout the war for independence. He established Humanitad in 1999 and has worked across both the NGO and IGO sectors as an outspoken advocate of human rights and natural justice. He has also vigorously worked toward exposing the Sabbatean globalist agenda and its rich pathology of historical crimes against humanity. He has instigated peace initiatives and education programs, lobbied against human-rights abuses in different parts of the globe and continues to prosecute for the protection of breakthrough innovators, scientists and doctors.
THE REASON I'M SHARING THIS VIDEO my mother came to me in my dream it was so surreal I was truly with her. This was a year after her passing, she was an amazing woman born before her time. She taught me many lessons as a little girl and a young lady. I had many life lessons I had to learn. Was it easy? not at all, life isn’t a breeze. I had to learn how to live on this unfamiliar place that didn't make sense most of the time. As she had always taught me think of the other person’s feelings and no one was better than anyone else. Also even if you do not see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I miss her terribly and it’s getting harder living here with all this chaos and evil in the world and most have no idea and perhaps it's for the better.
This is why we have to raise our vibrations send love out to the galaxies. I know I was sent here to be a loving person it's difficult when you are an empath having an antenna picking up frequencies far and wide. I asked her will I be with her one day. She said two words as I was pulled back and awoke staring at the ceiling, it was the most unusual dream that I had never dreamt. My mother hadn’t had an easy life but had an incredible sense of humour that got her through the difficult times. What an extraordinary woman she was. I woke my husband to tell him what happened I knew one of the words but not the other. He told me to goggle it and I did. There was only one website that appeared it was all about Keylonic Dictionary this was quite amazing what I saw. She was letting me know and leading me where I needed to go on this journey and finding these videos. This is one of them I just came across.
Investigate don't take things at face value there are a lot of wolves in sheep's
clothing who will try to fool you because of your trusting nature and being naive
Suicide Prevention During COVID-19:
The healing power of connection
and To Mutual Support
988 Canada scroll down Pass It!!!
A Story About a Drug Given to Pregnant Women in The 50s and 60s
This was 1960 in London England her family had moved to a council house 225 The mall. This particular day her mother happened to see a woman moving in two doors down. It go her curiosity going because the man who lived there she didn't like him a tall and not getting good vides from him. Seeing this woman she looked very frail and her mother always wanting to help the under dog and introduced herself to her. She found out she was the cleaning lady and very and an orphan. Her mother took this woman under her wing and became friends with Joy and she already had a son. Joy would come over for afternoon tea and her mother always the joker making her laugh and feelin special because she would make a fuse over her